so my gf (20f) and me(22f) have been arguing a lot recently. she’s autistic and i’m not so we often have communication mishaps. it’s also important for me to note that i have severe anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and am a chronic over thinker. we are currently LD right now while i’m home for the holiday and she is as well. she made a comment that anything i disagree with pisses me off, and it really hurt me. im a very open minded person but need to understand the reasoning in order to drop something. to her, my questioning seems like arguing when i’m trying to understand what she means. i don’t even have a clear example because it’s just miscommunication. and i can get a bit overly enthusiastic with the attention i give her. i’ve never felt bad about double texting or things like that because she’s my girlfriend. but recently it just feels like she doesn’t want to hear from me.

i’m just having trouble navigating when to take my foot off the gas in our relationship and feeling hurt about it all. we just communicate really differently and i love her, but it’s been feeling like more of an obstacle recently. any advice on how to more forward? or communicate better?

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