Yo. Wondering how I can reconnect with some old friends?

We me and the ‘group’ sort of parted ways in late-ish 2020 and I haven’t been in contact with any of them. Tbh I haven’t talked/messaged with anyone really since then and would like to try and get in touch with them since they were really my only friends I had lol.

For some background, they were drunk one day, and one of the guys in the group chat started talking shit to me out of nowhere (who I personally didn’t even know that well, it was more someone who we knew in highschool who was added), and when I defended myself, they kicked me. At this point, it’s been years tho and I’ve been over it.

Ideally though, I wouldn’t be the one sending an opening message. It’s just not like me, and I wouldn’t even know what to say. Preferably, is there any sort of good way to have them message me first? Idk what that would entail lol. If that isn’t really possible, how could I go about messaging one of them to reconnect/get included into the group again?

  1. If i were you,i won’t start anything at all. Why would reconnect with someone that talking bad about you,not making an effort for the friendship even kicked you out from the group?

    I know Its a challenge to build a friendship nowadays,but you Will find your own people,they are exist,as long as you make an effort and put yourself out there!

    Don’t give up hope and keep trying, stranger 🙂

  2. They don’t sound like good friends.

    Are they online-only? In that case it’s easy to replace them. Just pick a topic or interest or hobby, go to any forum (or even subreddit) dedicated to that interest, and start posting. After you get to know them you can start dming interesting people and later you can ask them to add you on discord etc.

    If it’s irl friends which are often hard to replace, I suppose you could reconnect with the best of them. So not the drunk guy, not the one kicking you out, but the nicest of them. No need to be friends with the whole group.

  3. On Christmas, I texted a bunch of friends I had either had a falling out with or just hadn’t spoken to in awhile. Just a short personalized message saying Merry Christmas and some memory or update on a shared interest we had. Man it was awesome enjoying Christmas and constantly getting , especially because a couple of them I thought were truly dead relationships, and all it took was an olive branch for the conversation to start flowing again.

    If you miss them, do it. If they ignore you or smack you down, at least you know it’s dead and gone.

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