I (F20) have worked in an office environment since I was 16, when I was 17 my coworker (M22) started (I’m gonna call him jack to make it easier to follow, but that’s not his real name) Jack and I quickly became friends when he started because a majority of our coworkers are in their 30s-50s and we were fairly close in age. I also developed a crush on him very quickly but never pursued it. About a year after he started working here he got a girlfriend and although I still liked him I continued to stay just friends and never make any moves, obviously bc he had a girlfriend. It’s also important to mention that we never hung out outside of work, we would talk and joke around at work, talk after work in the parking lot, and occasionally Snapchat eachother (maybe once a week or so) and that was it.

Fast forward to a little over a month ago when his gf broke up with him. When he told me I invited him to a bar with me and some of my friends. I didn’t even expect him to show up but he did and flirted with me almost the whole night. I don’t know if it was More of a rebound thing or a “drunk words are sober thoughts” thing but l’m pretty sure he doesn’t remember it. I also think it’s important to mention that in the past he had made flirty comments to me here and there, but nothing to strange or out there.

everything was good for about 2 weeks after that but a little over a week ago, he completely stopped talking to me and only ever waving or smiling. He wouldn’t come up and talk to me at work and would leave before I left work every day, so we wouldn’t talk outside at our cars anymore. This isn’t the first time he’s done this, it’s happened about 3 times before over the years and he’s back to normal after a few weeks. So my question is, do I try to get him to come out with us and maybe try to make a move or do I give up on my crush of 3 years?

TL;DR! I’ve had a crush on my coworker for 3 years and don’t know if I should move on or go for it.

1 comment
  1. If he completely backed off, I’d assume he has his own good reasons and let him come to you. Maybe he’s back with his ex or found someone else. Only he knows *why,* but his behavior is a very clear “leave me alone.”

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