to preface that i know i shouldnt be using that as lube, but me and my gf tried anal monday and both loved it. we’ve been doing it with spit and cant seem to get enough of it. today tho she spread coconut oil all over her ass and was looking fantastic, i spread it over my dick but on penetration all i could feel was some intense heat and i got soft after like 2 minutes, dont know what went on

  1. Coconut Oil is FANTASTIC as lube!! It should not get hot with friction, it’s a great lube.

  2. I’m fairly sure you weren’t going that fast to heat it up.

    Are you allergic maybe?

  3. Almost sounds like you were so worked up it caused you to feel the intense heat. It definitely wasn’t the coconut oil, my wife and I use it almost every time we have sex.

    Some people can be sensitive to it (as with anything), but it’s a fantastic lube if you’re not

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