I found out that my boyfriend has deliberately shared intimate photos of me via DM on Reddit, and he did this without my consent. He admitted to this and I have proof of it. These photos depicted me wearing lingerie, as well as nude pictures and pictures of my face. The pictures he got back from these men were of their boners next to my pictures. When I saw this, I was absolutely horrified and disgusted. He denied doing this for hours but admitted to it in the end. These were pictures that I sent to him and him alone and I sent these over the course of a 5 year relationship. I never gave permission to share them with anyone, and I do not think he did this to get revenge on me, as everything was good between us. Has anyone had a similar experience happen to them? Why would anybody do this? Does this happen often on Reddit? And is this illegal?

TLDR: boyfriend leaked my intimate photos to other men on Reddit without my consent, what should I do?

  1. you’ll have to confer with a legal expert as far as that goes…

    But he’s a fucking piece of shit. You should demand that he deletes everything and threaten to get the police involved if he doesn’t. Then get the police involved anyway.

  2. As far as your legal recourse here talk to an attorney.

    But you should refuse to have anything more to do with him other than legally. He has shown an utter lack of respect or care for you and complete untrustworthiness.

  3. If you’re in the UK this is illegal and you can report to the police. I’d be contacting Reddit admin and getting his account suspended too

    Edit – if he has been doing this over the course of
    A 5 year relationship he is also guilty of distributing child pornography

    Leave this shit and report him

  4. You ask why he would do this and if others do. He would do this because it brings him some sort of benefit. The only benefit here would be sexual. That is just so disgusting and disrespectful and such a breach of trust and-ugh. I am sure you are not the only person this has happened to but that doesn’t make it okay. I would follow other people’s advice. Keep evidence and take this to a lawyer.

  5. I knew a girl who’s boyfriend did this to her, her sister, their mutual friends.
    He was taking their photos off Insta and sending them out to other dudes who would do tributes just a whole network of weirdos
    I don’t know why he did it or what he got from it.

    Most counties don’t have laws with this stuff but it could be classified as revenge****

    The girls who were in the photos took him to court to get restraining orders but I think that’s all that happened; his ex didn’t want to take it further but she probably could have since she was the main target

  6. This would be the end of the relationship for me, consent is extremely important.

    A few things:

    1) What did he do or say about his reasoning, and did he apologise? Does he have any remorse?
    2) Were you under age in any of them? That changes things legally.

    I urge you to speak to a lawyer in your jurisdiction.

  7. I have no legal or practical advice, but I just wanted to let you know that I am really sorry. To be betrayed by someone you love(d) like that, it is heartbreaking.

    Whatever you do, please take time to heal and be kind to yourself. This is absolutely not your fault. I wish you a lot of wisdom for what to do, and all the best

  8. Before you break up with him, act like everything is normal

    Go thru his phone and pc and delete everything.

    If you know his reddit account nd whre he posted you can message mods and tell them you didnt consent and hopefully they take that down

  9. Don’t bother asking they why, this is a violation pure and simple. You need to a) break up with him and be firm on this, and b) report him to the authorities.

    He’ll throw every excuse and apology in the book at you but he’s already crossed a line that should never been crossed.

  10. No one should send nudes to anyone.
    Even if he wasn’t an asshole and willingly shared your naked body on the Internet, he could actually be a decent guy, who wouldn’t do this and just lose his phone so someone else could pick it up and share your naked body on the Internet.
    If you really don’t want pictures of your naked body on the internet, you should NOT send pictures of your naked body through the internet. And it strictly doesn’t matter to whom you would send pictures of your naked body through the internet!

    (I am sorry, this happened to you. And i am sorry for the tone, i wrote this in but i read every other week that nudes from girls get leaked by their decent and caring boyfriends)

  11. Yes, it’s illegal, and you likely have a convincing case if you can prove when the photos were taken. If you were as young as 15 in those nude photos, he’s guilty of quite a bit. Not a lawyer so get proper advice in legal chamnels

  12. He potentially distributed child porn, and has committed other crimes depending on where you live. Go to the police

  13. Hack his phone and take back those pictures. If you can, contact all the people who got the photo and tell them it was done without your permission. Report him to the police.

    Blast his contacts and tell them what he did, Tell his mother, sisters, grandmas, aunts, and cousins.

    Dump him. I’m going back and forth on whether to smash his phone.

  14. Even if he wasn’t trying to get revenge on you, sharing intimate photos over the internet like this falls into revenge porn. I don’t know where you live but you can press charges for that.

  15. This is called a Cum Tribute. It’s a kink. It’s really prevalent here on reddit.

    I’d like to assume that most people that engage in this kink do it with concent and not with pictures of minors but I’m sure some men do it in secret.

    OP what he did was illegal. Gather all the pictures. Including the ones he received. Any accompanied text if possible. Then call a trusted adult family member and have them help you make the police report. Talk to legal counsel. This is not okay.

  16. if criminal charges fail or anything i recommend you sue him in a civil lawsuit for damages. he was probably getting paid from these men so he needs to hand over that money and more to you for harming your personal dignity and autonomy.

  17. If any of those pictures were from you prior to 18F, this goes from Fucked up to He’s gonna get fucked up. Good luck OP. I now await.. <Federal Law Enforcement Authorities enter the chat.>

  18. If he sent pictures of you before you were at the age of consent, that’s child pornography and that’s a crime EVERYWHERE.

    Break up with him, total block on everything. Get in touch with Reddit, they will ban him, he has used their website to share child pornography.

    You might be struggling with this “child pornography” thing, thinking you were grown when the pictures were taken. Trust this old lady. You were not. In 5-6 years you’ll understand that better yourself. Just trust us, those images are criminal in and of themselves, and sharing them can send him to the BIG no-no house.

  19. He is sending images of you when you were a minor. He is in more legal hot water than he even knows if you want to press charges. My trust would be destroyed and I would never be able to find him attractive ever again. What a disgusting and vile thing to do.

    I have heard of this happening, and it never ends well. I sincerely hope you choose to hold him legally accountable so he never does this to anyone else. Your FACE was in those photos, and now they are on the internet literally forever. There is no going back once their sent online. I am so angry for you.

  20. “Some” men and emphasis on some cuz I know some of y’all like to tussle. Some men are really funny. Everything they do is for male validation. Sending nudes of your gfs to random men to please them..I cannot understand this logic at all.

    Sorry this is happening to you OP. You can take legal actions against this and I’m hoping they investigate because I can guarantee some of it will count as child porn if this has been going on for 5 years.

  21. And this is *exactly* why I always tell everyone not to send nudes, or boudoir photos, to anyone. Ever. And that goes double if your face is shown! He has sent them to other redditors who now have them in their own personal collections and are busy sending them to others, selling them, or doing both.

    They are on the internet forever. Which means that they will be available for anyone to view. Forever. Your family, your schoolmates, your teachers, your employer, your next BF…and, someday, your children. It’s really best if you accept that any or all of this could happen, and be mentally prepared.

    Go to the police and also report it to reddit. Hopefully, they will be able to slow down the progress of proliferation.

    Good luck.

  22. It’s only called revenge porn as a slang term. The law is you can’t share explicit media without expressed consent. What was his reasoning for this? It’s an extreme offense against you.

  23. It is illegal and if you were underage in any of the photos, he is trafficking in child porn. You need to gather any evidence you have of him doing it as well as any communications which he admits to it and go to the police.

    I’m sorry this happened, you don’t deserve it. He broke your trust.

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