Men who don’t drink or do drugs, what do you do for fun? What do you do when hanging out with friends?

  1. Video games, walking, hangout with family. I’m a bit of a loner, so I don’t have any friends I hang out with. Luckily I’m pretty close with my family so that balances it out.

  2. The hardest part of Dry January, for me, isn’t the “not drinking” part, but just how damn boring “not drinking” is. Like I don’t necessarily care about the effects of alcohol – in fact I’d prefer not to be drunk – but drinking even at home just really helps move the night along.

    So I read more books, spend a lot of time doing projects at home, go to concerts and museums more frequently, and bother my friends more. Group chats where you get one dude riled up about something can be fun. In nice weather times, outdoor activities take up a lot of time – but winter is more tricky.

  3. I did lots of drinking, drugs and hanging with friends in my yoot. I thought it was fun but in hindsight it was a total waste of time. I wish I could go back and slap myself.

  4. 7 1/2 years dry here. I have friends who drink and who don’t. If I’m out with them I have soda or water, for instance.

  5. I was left with 2 friends after I stopped doing drugs. We have a beer or 2 and talk about cars and life etc maybe go out for a meal.
    I think I did so much partying when I was younger that now I’d rather sit at someone’s place and have a quiet night in than be out in public. #40’s life

  6. I lost most of my friends when I gave up alcohol. On the plus side, I’ve got a lot more money now.

  7. I come from a group of geeks so we play games and do card a card game called mtg. Me personally I like bowling and I’ve introduced another friend into the bowling scene. Other than that we just go out and eat or fuk around, we’re all becoming of age to drink but it’s whatever, just enjoy each other’s company and talk sht about each other.

  8. Wood working, writing, crafts, reading. Knowing I can go anywhere at anytime without worrying about having alcohol in my system. Oh and saving money. Booze is expensive,

  9. Watch TV, shoot guns, reload ammo, work and build models.

    I don’t have any friends.

  10. I am an Indian living in the MIDDLE of the Midwest. I don’t eat meat, don’t drink, no drugs and don’t chew tobacco. Boy, is there a lot of peer pressure on me every single day……..I still go to bars with colleagues and friends, order a glass of diet coke, and a plate of cheesy fries / nachos and have a great time.

    I don’t think we need to be drunk to have fun. You can have fun sober and as an added benefit, still remember what went down. You just need to hang around people who aren’t assholes. Simple.

  11. I play video games, bake, cook, work in the garden, watch the occasional show or movie. When I’m with friends it is usually for a short amount of time. Quick lunch or dinner. If it is an event I just chat with whoever is there. I’ll have a soda, coffee, or juice. Sometimes I’ll drink liquor, but it is rare.

  12. PSA for my fellow dudes: if you’re not able to have fun with your friends while sober, rethink if they’re really your friends.

    I enjoy sharing some beers or bottle of wine when hanging out with my buddies, but I’m perfectly happy spending time with them sober as well. Chatting, gaming, eating, going on walks, or whatever.

  13. I drink once per every 10 times we hang out but I find I don’t need it. I am on a health binge and also a dad to toddlers so I don’t like sleeping in. It doesn’t bother me since no one I am around drinks to the point of slurring or acting stupid……those pathetic days are done.

    Don’t drink if you don’t want to and know that the next day will be productive.

    On a side note, I build drones for fun and I enjoy the occasional drink while I am deep into it and I would be alone.

  14. I’ll admit I gonout for a drink every once in a while. No drugs though.

    My enjoyment mainly comes from lifting, self improvement and having solid thought-provoking conversations with good friends.

    Don’t get me wrong, everything is fine in appropriate moderation but if that is a prerequisite to having a good time, that is a problem imo.

  15. You do everything you normally do without the come down or hangover.

    Drugs and alcohol are a chemical form of permission you give to yourself to be less socially inhibited.

    But you can be less socially inhibited without them and enjoy the experience consciously.

    You can choose to be more joyful and more self expressed over having to be coerced by substance abuse.

    When you where a child, you ran around, laughed, explored and played and had an absolute blast, you were high on life.

    You were the embodiment of joy.

    You didn’t know you needed permission to express yourself and your desires.

    When you grew up, you learned to silence this creative, goofy, fun loving kid that is still very much apart of you.

    And the only time you allow yourself to acknowledge this part of you even exists is when alcohol or drugs tell you it’s Ok to do.


    For me, I love the goofy fun living kid I was and it’s very much apart of who I am now. I don’t need drugs or alcohol to be self expressed and enjoy myself.

  16. There are literally BILLIONS of things you can do to have fun and so many people default to drinking or getting high. It’s boring, it’s dumb, can get expensive, and a high potential to cause harm.

    I’ve had zero interest in ever touching any of that stuff. I’ve seen examples of friends or family ending up in terrible situations because of drugs and alcohol. I get by completely fine without it.

  17. Mid 30’s, never drank, smoke, or done any drugs.

    I play video games, hang out with my wife, drive and hike through the mountains, build and shoot guns.

    When I’m with people who are drinking, I hang out and do the same as everyone else, except I’m drinking RedBull or Cranberry Juice and laughing at drunk people.

  18. Mans don’t have friends no more, but I used to go out and play a card game, Magic the Gathering to be specific. Stopped because COVID/Cost/Interest.

    Nowadays, I read books, listen to music, watch movies and TV, listen to podcasts, go to art galleries, go to the theatre, go to concerts, learn guitar, make 3D art, write short stories, research weird topics (mainly horror movies and cults/new religious movements) and go for long walks. Would be nice to share all of this with someone though.

    Couple of guys I know joined local sports teams just for exercise and social; one does Rugby and the other Ice Hockey. Lots of cool stuff you could do when hanging out though; speaking for London/UK, you can go Axe Throwing, Escape Rooms, indoor crazy golf, archery, cinema, buffet restaurants, paintballing or just go for a nature walk.

  19. I want to start out by saying that it sounds very sad to need alcohol or drugs to have fun.

    We play videogames and boardgames.

  20. Well I do get intoxicated occasionally, but the majority of my hobbies do not revolve around such things. I play games on pc, VR, board games, I DIY a lot of stuff, arts and crafts as well as sewing, fabricating & electronics, woodworking, I play the guitar, sing, skateboard, swimming, sauna and bicycling, cooking, baking, learning languages(currently japanese)… I could go on but those are the main ones. Getting fucked up can be fun but if its all you do, whats the point? There is SO MUCH to do in this world.

  21. I never understand the tone of incredulity of posts like these. Is it impossible to imagine that not everyone on the planet needs to drink or get high to have an enjoyable time?

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