Are there female lifestyle coaches who swear that its bad for you to masturbate too? Did they talk about this much in religious school? I imagine without the crackpot notion of “semen retetention” that it’s not nearly so much of a thing, but that’s not an educated guess.

  1. Nothing at all. I’ve never heard of anything like that directed at women outside of the standard religious purity argument against masturbation and sex other than for procreation.

    >Are there female lifestyle coaches who swear that its bad for you to masturbate too?

    None that I’ve ever heard of, but I don’t tend to spend much time on the crackpot woo-woo sides of the internet.

  2. Refraining from sex and/or masturbation is detrimental to health in all sexes, so I’d give no credence to anybody saying abstinence is a healthy thing.

  3. I haven’t heard a damn thing. If I didn’t know any better, I’d have to laugh because it’d be just like men to torture themselves with that No Fap nonsense and then get all up in arms because women don’t have to not-masturbate.

  4. If I’ve ever heard of it, I’ve forgotten already.

    But then, I’m past the age roster, the ppl in spewing that bs, in might be interested in.

    Take that last paragraph and ask questions.

  5. Maybe it’s just the circles I travel in, both online and IRL, but it seems to me like women’s masturbation just doesn’t get talked about much in general. I’ve seen a few comments here and there online from men who honestly didn’t believe it existed.

  6. I’ve never heard of it. I think most women have more important things to think about than worrying about potential downsides to a quick wank.

  7. I grew up Southern Baptist where things like holding hands was considered taboo before marriage. I always used to feel so guilty and like I was going to hell when ever I had “private time” thanks to the brainwashing. Stopped being religious after I turned 14ish but I’m still trying to unlearn some of the things instilled in me by those people.

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