I’m compiling a list of different types of resources specifically for men’s mental health for my boyfriend.

Like anywhere, our health system is a joke and I honestly don’t blame him for not wanting to look into our local system much further. He’s mentioned he’d be more comfortable with something more of the self help variety. Any books, websites, forums, others subs or online communities, literally anything that you find has helped you or a friend. I’ll be looking myself but I was hoping I could get some advice. Thanks in advance.

  1. I wish I can provide information but I can only provide good wishes for your partner and yourself. Im happy to see others can answer your question and there are resources out there.

  2. Beau Miles on YouTube is fun and imbues your day with a sense of adventure. Fr. Greg Boyle is an amazing man along with his Homeboy Industries. Any meditation or discussion of stoic philosophy is very helpful to me as well.

  3. Another redditor recently recommended a book to me called *Unfuck Yourself* It’s not necessarily about men’s mental health, but it’s written by a guy and reads like the intended audience is men. I’m only 75 pages in (one evening). It’s an easy, enjoyable read with good points. I doubt it will be life changing, but makes you think about problems in your life differently.

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