We’ve been dating for 2.5 years and living together for 1.5 years.

I’ve always been a little insecure about my size down there. I’m tall (6’2) and not white so there is usually an expectation for me to be bigger down there too. In reality I’m probably average (6 inches) and worse of all: a grower, not a shower.

At the beginning of our relationship she never really commented on my size. Which I was fine with. Then she kind of got into calling it big during sex, which I reacted positively too. After that she got into the habit of calling it big outside of sex too, which I know is simply untrue, so it didn’t feel genuine. Like she knew my insecurity and was trying to prop up my ego.

Last week a cousin of mine was over and we always make jokes at each others expense. He made a small dick joke about me, i took it in stride and I knew it wasn’t personal as he’s never seen it. My girlfriend however laughed as well. I didn’t like that she laughed but read it as her just going along with the vibe of us talking shit about each other.

Today we were in the kitchen preparing for a movie night. She was grumpy from being hungry as she is dieting. I made a super innocent remark about something general i noticed. She then said (jokingly) ‘do you find that irritating? Guys who are upset by that always have small dicks.’

I then got upset, quiet and said I didn’t want to watch the movie. She blamed me for ruining the movie night. I am stressed from a long working week while she had the week off and do not want to talk at this point. She is yet to even acknowledge what she said was hurtful or mean. I feel like she should make the effort to reconcile.

Tl;dr: girlfriend made a smal dick joke while she knows I’m insecure about it. Is yet to apologize

  1. That was super rude of her. She owes you an apology for sure. You didn’t say what your “innocent remark” was and maybe it was taken the wrong way by her, although still no excuse for such a dumb insult.

    I want to add that six inches is not small? It’s actually larger than the average sized penis.

  2. My GF said, Gimme six inches and make it hurt. So I fucked her three times and punched her in the nose..

  3. I feel the grower not a shower. Oh man, when it is chilly it’s like a fat clit lol. But it functions and during exciting times is more than plenty. Reasons boys avoid locker room showers #1 for sure. Nope, just add deodorant and be about your day. Considering that the average vaginal canal is less than 5 inches and only has nerve endings for the first 1/5 of that (childbirth would be fun if it it was all nerves up in there), we good.

    Anyway, she had the hanger. Needed a Snickers for sure. I honestly would blow it off and act like nothing is wrong. See if she apologies. If no, then consider your options. In growth we trust!

  4. If she apologizes accept and move on if she doesn’t rethink your relationship. Her laughing at a joke is one thing laughing at you about the joke another, her making emasculating comments about his size one day and saying the opposite when in bed or in public is another. She’s over compensating. Tell her to shut up about her comments about your size!

  5. Look she clearly doesn’t respect you. Her comment was her passive/aggressive way of communicating that to you. You are in a position of weakness in your relationship. There is no way to turn the tide back in your favor. That added to your thin skin, will make it worse day by day. Do yourself a favor and break up already.

  6. >In reality I’m probably average (6 inches)

    This is above average AFAIK. You’re either measuring wrong or something is really getting to you

    >My girlfriend however laughed as well. I didn’t like that she laughed

    If you don’t like it and have communicated it to her, then yeah maybe she shouldn’t be laughing at this. But for that matter, getting mad at her for a joke you’re allowing your cousin to make? That seems unfair. Either both of you should tell your cousin the joke was in poor taste, or both of you should be able to accept it. It seems like you were both fine with the joke and you’re choosing to hold it against her when she didn’t create the situation.

    >She was grumpy from being hungry as she is dieting. I made a super innocent remark about something general i noticed.

    This is *veeeeery* informative of you, OP. I too make remarks about something general.

    >I then got upset, quiet and said I didn’t want to watch the movie

    Which really may or may not be a you problem. Depending on what you’re dishing out, there’s a real agreement that you can take it, too. Yes, it’s unfair to prod at known insecurities, and if you guys can’t avoid that then you should break up. Importantly though, you kinda did ruin the evening if you started the dispute. If you could give the word-for-word instead of a very vague and self serving write-off of your side, that would help a lot.

  7. Ask her if she would like you to make jokes about her chest or size overall. You are right to be upset by this.

  8. 6 inches really isn’t small, but I do get that there’s pressure to be larger than average if you fall under a certain race. My old roommate is black and has mentioned he’s very insecure whenever bringing girls home cause a lot of women expect him to be packing, but he’s not. I think huge penises are over glorified and it’s mostly the novelty of it that people like.

  9. You said something mysoginistic so don’t vome crying.

    You hold her yo dtandards while you give others a pass. If her jokes make you feel bad, or even laughing, talk to her. Only thing worth mentioning is that:

    GROWERS >> SHOWERS every day of the week and twice on a sunday

  10. You made a misogynist comment to her, she responded with a small dick comment back. You threw a hissy fit because she responded the same way you said your comment to her. Grow up already.

  11. Not gonna comment on the situation with your GF, but you’ll be healthier mentally if you can get past your insecurity about your penis size. Lots of info on the internet and Reddit which says a penis of your size is suited fine to pleasing women and technique or connection with your partner will make a bigger difference in mutual sex enjoyment than any extra size beyond what you’ve already got. So you gotta stop judging yourself – your dick is fine! This is all in your head, not anyone else’s.

    I’m also an average penis owner and a grower. I used to manage my own by using self-deprecating humor about having a small penis. Basically if I attacked myself, it disarmed others. Only problem is that when someone I care makes the same joke, it doesn’t feel the same and the reality is, our penises are average / nothing to be ashamed of.

    My current strategy is not to make any dick jokes about myself and just act like everything is normal… *because it is normal!* If anyone tries to reference a dick joke at me, I brush it off with something like, “it works great for me!”

  12. OP how many other men’s penis’ have you seen? And not in porn. Like actually seen in real life?

    I don’t know where you got the idea that 6 inches is small, it’s not even average, it’s ABOVE average.

    The average flaccid penis is 3.6 inches. The average erect penis is 5.1 inches. This is something you should definitely try to change your perspective on.

    You both need to stop being petty and taking jabs at each other.

    BTW plenty of women love “growers” it’s really fun watching and feeling it grow.

  13. Does she use tiktok lol this comment is trending atm. Also, what did u say exactly? Her laughing at ur cousin’s joke is perfectly normal imo. Just sounds like your self sabotaging.

  14. My bf is average-big and I laugh at small penis jokes at his expense and tell him he’s small. She might not have actually meant it. Just talk about it

  15. I wish guys would realize size doesn’t matter :/ makes me sad.

    What did you say to her that made her respond that way tho? You kinda just skipped right mover that part lol

  16. My advice is if this keeps going on, you’ll be absolutely miserable being with someone who attacks you where they know it’ll hurt just because they’re in a bad mood.

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