For context, I’m from the UK \[18m\] and was talking to this girl \[18F\] for around 9 months as friends but then started liking her in the last 2-3months we spoke for. Nothing major happened between us apart from a few kisses. Long story short she basically left me on read out of nowhere and we’ve never been in contact since, that was over 3 months ago. We admitted we liked each other at one point which had never happened to me which is why I grew a huge attachment towards her. During this time, we were never in a relationship.

Fast forward to after we stopped talking. It was hard to say the least, I would think about her all day, all night, replaying the moments we had in my head. Meanwhile she was probably already with another guy. I thought I would just need to find another girl, which I did. I ended up getting with this other girl at a party and have done multiple times now hoping it would change something. It changed nothing, my feelings and attachment towards her was still there. I can’t even explain what it is about her, Idk if she was my first love or not, Idk what love feels like. I tried to distract myself, ended up going harder in the gym like I just had a full on breakup, stopped watching her stories, removed all contact from her, hoping it would do something.

Now its been over 3 months since she left me on read, and I still like her, even though I can guarantee by now she’s been with other guys since me. Bare in mind this is the first time a girls admitted she actually likes me, so it would make sense to grow an attachment. I mean I liked her to the point her flaws and red flags meant nothing to me. This entire time, we were never in a relationship. Now my question to anyone reading this is: What do I do? I’m sitting here with no motivation to work for my exams because all I want is her, even though I know its a bad idea. I never thought it would take over 3 months to get over a girl I never dated, is this normal? Any input would be appreciated.

TL;DR – Its been over 3 months since this girl I really liked left me on read. In that time I’ve got with other girls and been going harder in the gym but its changed nothing. Need advice on what to do at this point as I can’t even focus on my upcoming exams (A-levels).

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  1. Thinking about her constantly and imagining her with other guys is not healthy. I’ve been there. It’s a negative feedback loop that can be crippling. If you have the means to, I would suggest talking to a therapist. Therapy is great for learning methods to cope with emotions and change your thinking patterns.

  2. Same thing happened to me. It put me in depression for a few days. I still like her though. Feels bad man.

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