I haven’t seen my partner of almost a year in about a month due to the holidays and then covid, but they haven’t been as responsive over text as they used to be. It takes them a lot longer to respond than they used to, and twice I’ve said I miss them and they neither responded nor reacted to it. I asked them if I did something to bother or annoy them and they said no, and then seemed to kind of make an excuse as to why they haven’t checked in on me during my very stressful move. I’ve checked in on them every day regarding their illness. They’re usually very good about communicating if something is wrong and I’ve given them ample opportunity to say if something is going on with them in their own life and they haven’t mentioned anything. I’m starting to feel anxious and hurt, and I’ve expressed the former but I’m worried that I’ll be pushing them away even more if I express the latter. I asked if I could see them this weekend when their quarantine is up and it’s been hours with no response. I’ve been crying a lot lately.

Am I just being overly sensitive?

tl;dr my partner hasn’t really been texting me back as much and I’m worried they don’t like me anymore

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