Which competitor was the best at their profession?

  1. Tom Brady and it’s not even close. The man has tormented the NFL for 20 years. He has won a Superbowl in 3 different decades. He has more Superbowl wins then some teams have in playoff wins.

  2. Michael Jordan easily. For much of Brady’s career, many people thought Peyton Manning was better; Jordan had no such peer by the time he entered his prime.

  3. Imo Michael Jordan he never lost a final

    Tom Brady really came on his own in third SuperBowl win

  4. Jordan was arguably a better individual player but Brady was a better team leader to be honest.

  5. Jordan has 4 Olympic Gold Medals, Brady has never even been in an Olympics. Jordan could dunk from the free throw line, Brady has never put a ball through a hoop from the extra point line. Jordan had a career average 30.1 points per game, Brady’s career points per game is .5.

    Based on these stats Jordan is blowing Brady away.

    ETA: Jordan played 2 sports professionally, Brady only plays 1.

  6. Michael Jordan post Bad Boys without a doubt. 2 3-peats in less than a decade? C’mon. Not to mention that in football, you *need* a team. In basketball, you can actually get away with no team (see Lebron 06-07). Michael Jordan was insanely dominant, Tom Brady was just more annoying

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