I’ve noticed that men are more understanding and open with each other, especially about issues we may all face. For instance I’m in my 30s. I was talking to two older coworkers in their early 60s. We were bullshiting and we started talking about wives/gfs. They both basically said thank God for Viagra. I told them “Hell yeah man. Get the job done.” I didn’t make any jokes or put on bravado. I see more men being like that with each other. Also I read a story on here about a guy paying for drinks for the guy in line behind him so thst guy wouldn’t disappoint his kids.

  1. It is becoming more normalized for men to be primary caretakers when it comes to their children.

  2. Honestly from what I’ve experienced a lot of men have always been quite open with each other once there’s a friendship there. It’s just another thing no one gives us credit for and uses to blame us for our own poor mental well being.

  3. I can’t remember where it was, but I remember reading a study about how the majority of people believe men don’t want to be open about their feelings and don’t want to communicate positively with other men, but that most men (around 80% i think) actually said that they try to do both and they want to do both. And that is more true for each younger generation.

  4. The whole “be an alpha” mindset is starting to finally die, and we’re seeing men support each other in much more positive ways, and I think that’s awesome.

  5. Men being more emotionally available is really a huge positive change. Just in my lifetime, what is acceptable for men to be able to emote has moved quite a bit. When I was growing up it was anger or neutrality.

  6. I’m struggling to say anything positive

    I don’t like where society is going as a whole

    From dudes who idolize those cringe “alpha male” influencers

    To guys who blame woman for all their insecurities and short coming as a person

    It feels like more and more when I run into another man I’m just meeting a guy whose always trying to flex on me

    Or say something bigoted to me

    Im 30 years old and dudes are still doing the “ha made you look at my upside down okay” joke at me

    You go online and you just find these most edgiest of political views

    I will say that I do think black men are doing particularly good.

    Because of the advancements in black living we now see a diversity in identity

    *sits down in my rocking chair and starts whittling*

    You see back in the 90s and before that a black man was pretty much defined by his own impression.

    Due to redlining, the pushing of drugs by the CIA and the war on drugs used to oppress black people

    Black people were born and raised in very bad and destructive environments filled with gangs, drugs and oppression by the police

    Now as our society has progressed into a more fair and equal playing field you now more and more see middle class and rich black people

    Because our circumstances are not defined by poverty and oppression you not to see a diversity in identity

    From Tyler the Creator to men like Will Smith

    Slowly but surely the black man will become more than just a thug and be recognized as independent thinking human being.

    We saw this similarly happen with the Italians.

    Slowly but surely as the playing field becomes more and more equal less man will be defined by stereotypes




    “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

    -John Ehrlichman, Nixon administration.

  7. Homophobia is way down, and hopefully keeps going that way. In turn, men are less afraid of deviating from the traditionally masculine because we know it doesn’t mean you’re gay, and even if it did, there’s nothing wrong with that.

    We’re closer to everyone being who they want to be and liking what they like without homophobia or bullshit norms.

  8. I think men becoming more aware of the feminist centric origin that much of our national dialog has taken on and largely ignoring it.

  9. More men realizing it’s ok to talk about their emotions and realizing they’re not robots

  10. They’re more open about not dealing with the bullshit that’s being thrown their way, including the bullshit from openly not dealing with the previous bullshit.

  11. I see men connecting online and wising each other up about relationship dynamics, domestic abuse and all the long time hidden ways we were exploited in the past. That’s a big up.

    I’m not referring to the “learn overused phrases to get laid” community, but generally speaking about men sharing experiences and wisdom with one another.

  12. People are becoming more receptive to the importance of science/technology, and being smart is no longer considered “geeky.” Which tbh I kind of wonder if it ever was, or if it was mostly a hollywood trope.

  13. Men are more open to therapy. I’m seriously impressed when folks have the ability to recognize they need help breaking patterns of behavior and thought that keep them down.

  14. It’s become more of a standard that men manage themselves and their home thanks to the later dating and marriage ages – you’re not seeing people hop from their parents into their wife’s house, so there’s more personal responsibility to know how to do laundry, to cook, to clean, etc, before you ever settle down with someone. My brother is 45 and the most he can do is open a can of vienna sausages and pour bbq sauce on it, and does not know how to get a stain out of his clothes nor is he willing to learn how. My husband is 30 now, and outside of teaching him how to clean furniture spills and get stains out of rugs, he came pretty much self-sufficient despite with the fact that his mother did everything for him into his college years. My brother is constantly trying to hop into relationships because he wants a girl to take care of him, whereas my husband and I are a 100% equitable partnership in everything we do. People taking care of themselves leaves more space for relationships built on love and not necessity and reduces the chance of resentment building in a relationship.

  15. Change is change. I see a lot of it. It would be incredibly arrogant of us to call these changes positive or negative until we see the long term effects of these changes in the gender and the global society.

    Some of these changes might cause unintended harm. We have no idea. Lots of shit sounds good on paper, until you realize the side effects.

    But that’s science. 😎👍

  16. Nothing. Absolutely nothing from this pussy assed clunk of wimpy men. Get jobs, start families, get involved in something – anything, and quit bitching and whining. The only useful, real men that I see are usually military or ex-military.

    Jump into the ring and compete already, comb out your hair buns, and be men.

  17. I see men connecting online and supporting eachother even if they are strangers or totally disagree with eachother. I also see men checking women on thier negitive behavior. These things gove me hope.

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