What are potential and future opportunities that you can have/achieve here in the U.S. as compared to your home country?

  1. I assume this is only for immigrant Americans? Obviously native-born Americans would have no basis for comparison

  2. My home country is the US, but I have lived abroad in India. For the life sciences R&D is significantly better here in the US than practically anywhere in the world. Heck in the US itself it’s limited to a few parts of the country. So basically for my field I practically have no choice

  3. This is my home country, but our tech sector is the best in the world and it seems to only be going up from here.

  4. I was born here, but in my family’s home country, being LGBT is illegal, so….existing I suppose.

    I’m proud of my heritage and (as a card carrying leftish person) critical of the US’s many problems, but I’m also very aware of and grateful for the opportunities I’ve received here. I’ve been able to go to a top university and have access to a much better standard of living than I could have had my family not come here.

  5. US is my home country and my dad is also an American (well… was… now he is at rest) but my mother is Guatemalan and opportunities she received here was a safer environment, more employment opportunities, and an overall higher quality of life.

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