My bf (M23) and I (F19) are both active on NSFW Reddit on a couples account. We both have access to this account and we both post our content on it, pics, stories, and vids of the both of us or individual pics. Trust has been a big part of having an account like this which is why we don’t post separately we post together.

Today I was scrolling down reddit and saw he has posted a d*ck pic on his private account a month ago. It would be one thing if he had told me but it was a complete surprise. I texted him asking why he had posted it and he said he “just wanted to show off” and “didn’t think it was a big deal” to post it. If this was on our couples account and he had let me know like we have ALWAYS done when we make a post, this would be a different story for me. I told him that it made me uncomfortable that he posted it without letting me know to just “show off” on an account I don’t have access too. It was a breach of my trust. He continued to tell me he didn’t think it was that big of a deal and that if I think he’s cheating I can comb through his phone. I continued to tell him i felt uncomfortable with him doing it without telling me and if the roles were reversed he’d be freaking out on me. He told me that he “didn’t want to affect the performance of our couples page”. I told him that it’s no surprise when people click on the profile and see the bio says “couple page”.
He told me he wouldn’t cheat on me and if it was that big of a deal he’d delete his personal account.
I feel like maybe I overreacted but on the same token I have a right to be upset that he didn’t let me know and did it behind my back privately. We’ve had a rocky few weeks and this just adds to it for me and I feel like I’m having a hard time trusting that he only wanted to “show off”

  1. He shouldn’t be posting pictures of your dick without your permission. It’s a simple as that.

  2. Once you open Pandora’s box, it can’t be closed right?

    I don’t think this is an all or nothing situation.

    He certainly did not knowingly breach your trust if there were no boundaries established about this before hand.

    Now that this has happened. You can start having productive communication about your and his boundaries.

    If those needs are not met then it’s a problem.

  3. I think you have every right to be angry with him. Both of you have agreed to post Pic of respective self with each other’s consent and he clearly violated yours. What if you had posted a nude Pic of yourself without letting him know and bunch of random had commented on it. I think he’d have been upset over it.

    Couples posting NSWF pics or going this route needs to always trust each other and never violate that trust. Relationships are hard work and you’ve to work extra hard and trust each other a lot more when making explicit pics and videos together. He should’ve checked with you before posting a Pic. Both you and him needs a solid foundation and better communication skills.

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