I (42f) have been married to my husband (50m) for almost 2 years now. before that we dated for 3 years. This is not my first marriage. My ex husband and I divorced because he cheated on me with his coworker. I have been with my ex for 15 years and married for 10. But never have I felt this strong attraction towards my ex like I am with my husband.

I am obsessed with him. Whenever he comes home from work, I always rush to the door like a puppy to greet him. Even when he is watching tv or doing some work, I just like to watch him. I don’t know why. I never felt this way in my first marriage. It has been like this for few months. Even when we were dating we had intimacy but it was never like this for me. It has become an obsession. Whenever I am around him I just like to hold his hand or just be next to him. Last night I did something stupid. He was watching his tv as usual after putting our son to sleep. I went to him and started humping him. Though I am sure he liked it, he asked me what has gotten into me. I only want to do it with him more often. I fucking blushed like a teenager. I always look for an opportunity to have sex with him.

He never denied sex. He would always make me orgasm. But it is just so embarrassing because I am a grown woman, acting like a teenager who is going through puberty. Even now when I am surfing reddit and making this post he is next to me and laughing at some meme on facebook. God, he looks handsome. It just gives me butterflies. I know it is a good thing. But I do not want to scare him. I do not want him to think I am too clingy or taking up his personal space. Should I tell him what’s on my mind?

  1. Well of course you should tell him what’s on your mind! Your experience resonates with me. I loved my ex-husband for 25 years until he had an affair.. but my relationship with my current fiance is torrid, lustful, and incredibly emotionally fulfilling in a way that no other relationship in my life has ever been. I too am obsessed with my man and am a woman in my mid-40s. He’s delicious and talented and Charming and engaged in all ways. I want to give him all of me all of the time, and I suppose in some way I am making up for lost time on mediocrity from my first marriage! Fortunately for me, my fiance feels the same and tells me all the things that I dreamed to hear from my life partner. Enjoy your partner and tell him all the things because it is your truth, and it will make him feel special and adored in a way that only our spouses can do.

  2. Well you’re also in your early 40’s sooooo that sex drive is through the roof. You’re with someone you actually like and enjoy and find attractive and your body is doing the “going out of business sale” and throwing eggs like it’s going out of style. I think it’s awesome. I feel that way about my husband, I’m 37, never felt that way about my ex who I was with for 12 years. My husband now.. literally could have me anyway he wants me any time he wants me. I stare at him all the flipping time and think about doing naughty things to him. Half the time I think he thinks I’m joking. I’m super pregnant right now so I’m not as agile as I wanna be or I’d be jumping him so hard. 😂

  3. You’re in love nothing wrong with that. As long as he likes it there is nothing wrong with it.

  4. I would feel really good if my wife felt that way about me and told me about it. So I’d tell him. It’s nice to be wanted and he’ll probably be flattered.

  5. We’re not married, but I’m obsessed with my partner, too. I tell him often that I like to watch him do things; he’s incredibly sexy. I get turned on just looking at him. I also worry I’ll come across as too clingy or annoying bc I’m so often touching him in some way, but he has said he loves it? I’m 36, and he’s 44. I feel like a damn school girl.

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