My wife is about 4 months post partum. We’re still obviously super busy and tired with new baby. She’s also in the process of weening off of pumping. I think she may be starting her regular cycle as well.

I know not to ask for or pressure for any adult time and am respecting the space and adjustment.

Women – When did you start doing the dirty again after children? Any suggestions for me to help the transition of easing back in to things?

Please don’t respond with 6 weeks, immediately after getting cleared… I’m not trying to be jealous lol.

  1. 6 monthsish.

    I only started feeling like myself and actually interested in sex in after I started getting time alone to myself, and not just to do the washing up uninterrupted. Like hours out of the house childless.

  2. It’s really going to depend on different factors. How stressful the birth was, how quickly she’s healing, how her hormones decide to react, if there was any tearing/how severe it was. And obviously it just varies from person to person, and even pregnancy to pregnancy.

    My best advice? Talk to her. See where she’s at and go from there. She may be getting close to ready, but nervous about how it will feel for her and you, etc. Talk, reassure her that you’re not trying to pressure her.

    And pro-tip : make sure she’s getting enough sleep and self-care. Tired, haven’t had 2 minutes to yourself people are less included to want sex 🙃

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