I have a stipend from my company that I can apply to put towards a degree or certification for continued education from an accredited university or institution. I’d love to put this towards improving my social skills, and I do work in an ‘influence-heavy,’ sales focused role so I think I could spin this with the right course.

I was initially looking at something like Jaunty, but it doesn’t fulfill the requirement as a non-accredited organization. Are there any courses that are well-known and liked from any colleges? Small and large institutions are all OK! I’ve been doing some Google searches, which have predominantly turned up communications courses so far. Wondering what else this subreddit might recommend!

1 comment
  1. I believe most colleges and universities would have a Toastmaster club that you can join. It requires a fee to become an official member (usually cheap) but it’s made specifically to help with public speaking and leadership skills. Best of all, you can network with others on varying skill levels and use your experience in Toastmasters at your company (or at the very least, you can use your experience on your resume).

    Find out if any of the accredited universities you prefer have a Toastmaster club and see how it goes from there.

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