I (22M) don’t think it’s worth it to date at this point. Every woman I know has terrible experiences with other men, or are straight up uncomfortable in the presence of men. Hell, I think this a man myself.

  1. Depends on how you date. I got some good advice recenrlt about joining a few clubs and meeting people that way and think that might be fun but if you’re getting worn out from online dating best to take a break from it.

  2. Speaking as someone 5 years older, I first started dating at 22. I can’t say I’ve had the best experience with it, the world seems hell-bent on social issues instead of just having fun and living life. You can either choose to keep trying, or not, if not I don’t blame you, for a young straight man it’s never been more difficult to even land a date, let alone have someone stick around. The choice is yours, just know that my personal experience with dating has been hellish.

  3. I am 23M
    Felt the same way couple months ago. Dated this girl, what made it even better was having to sneak around our friends. She said we werent going to be able to continue, so i took a trip for three days. Came back home to meet a girl who i am still with, four months strong. She’s amazing and she makes me feel there is hope, even when its not for me. Stay away from dating apps if you feel theyre a waste. Stay away from “maybe” girls.Take a walk and you just might run into the one that makes you feel like it is worth it. In the end, really, it is always worth it.

    Edit: you’re only 22, still got so much more time.

  4. Don’t force yourself into dating. Just go with your life. When going out with different friend groups, you will always meet new people. Way better to actually first hang out without having the thought of dating.

  5. Most women are like that now days unfortunately. Makes them virtually unapproachable since they all have RBF all day.

    I gave up on dating. It sucks and depresses me at times; so i just blow all my money on traveling. Their loss not mine.

  6. Lol. No..

    Meet some new women then. You are 22yo…stop talking nonsence..unless ofc, you just rly don’t want to date anyone.

  7. Yes, you should totally give up dating at 22 because a couple girls you know had a few shitty dates. Great idea.

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