Me 18F and him 19M

So we’ve been going strong on our first month of dating, the third date we had he initiated what we were and admitted he wants to consider me his gf and i said yes. he would buy gifts for me, take me out to eat, he would sneak out just to meet, we would meet so much even though he lived 40 mins away he never said no to an opportunity. He respected my boundaries and any complaint we had he’d talk it out and it would be solved on the same day.

Fast forwards his ex (been with her for four years) that he broke up with months back comes to the city, on the same day he called me and broke the news that hes confused about continuing, i told him to never contact me again and blocked because even though i love him, trust is my top priority. Not even an hour passes and he immediately regretted his decision, he blocked his ex and all his friends even his sister contacted me telling me hes crying and he keeps talking about you, then he started spamming me a day later for 2 days straight spamming me from his phone or his sisters phone just call after call sending me stuff like “even if you hate me and im sorry i ever broke your trust, ill ask for your hand even if you say no” and that if i didnt want to talk again he would stay single regardless amongst 50 other paragraphs of being apologetic and recognizing he fucked up. It went on till the third day where he said he would sneak out to park by my house even if he wasnt sure id show up for a few days he even gave me times he would be there waiting. I finally answered one of his calls telling him to not come and he was apoligizing. I told him give me time till next week. Ever since then hes just been updating me about his days even if i took hours to just give cold one word responses.

  1. I wouldn’t take him back. You deserve someone who is 100% at all times. It has been a month, and he has already had doubts about continuing. What happens if he has these same doubts in 6 months or a years time? not worth the hassle even if he is sorry. Plus, his actions like parking at your house is sus in my opinion

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