I got a kitten about a month ago and he’s the loveliest most loving adorable cute kitten ever, I’ve had cats before but none that have been this affectionate and attached to me before, however I think he also has bad separation anxiety and doesn’t like to be alone. He hates closed door and can meow for hours if I don’t open it, he also likes to spend all his time with me or near me. I can’t ever cook or go to the washroom without him meowing and making a scene. I had someone over yesterday for the first time since I got the kitten and when we went into the room and shut the door my cat started meowing non stop and peaking through the bottom of the door. It was very difficult to do anything and I was getting stressed. I also can’t leave him in the room because he’s not one of those cats who will sit in a corner and be quiet, he’s gonna def interrupt. What do I do? What do you all with overly attached pets do when you’re trying to have sex?

  1. i am no expert but I’d try to like leave him alone for 15 min intervals such as leaving the house or just room, and make sure he gets use to you being gone and then give him a treat if he doesn’t cry, and ramp it up to 30 min, an hour, 2 hours, cause he also still is a baby so ofc he’s attached but you want him to be independent as he gets older, so def a lotta of encouragement for him to be used to you not being there

  2. Ha, we got a puppy 2 weeks before our marriage. OMG love dog but worst idea ever. For our wedding and wedding night we had to hire a puppy sitter.

    Puppies and kittens are cute little fuckers that cock/pussy block all night long.

  3. Most cats will grow out of separation anxiety as they age, unless there’s some extenuating circumstance. I have an 11 year old Maine Coon that has TERRIBLE separation anxiety, but she’s a re-home and that’s traumatic for any animal, plus I adopted her right before lockdown so she got used to me never leaving the house.

    Thankfully she doesn’t really mess with our sex life, her separation anxiety comes out when we travel, if she sees suitcases forget it. When I went back into an office that triggered it too, just seeing me put on dress shoes would trigger her, but thankfully we’ve gotten past that.

    There’s no real silver bullet here other than waiting for him to age, trust me, when he gets older he’ll evolve from kitten into cat and become totally aloof and seemingly distant. Enjoy the kitten time while you have it because it won’t last forever. 🙂

    One thing, you need to stop rewarding the bad behavior. If you respond to his acting out that’s going to condition him to act out when he wants something. The best thing to do is planned ignoring, don’t even acknowledge him. That means no eye contact, no speech, nothing, pretend he’s not even in the room when he does this. He’ll get the idea eventually.

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