I (f 24) broke up with my ex (m 26) bf of ~1 year ish after a very abusive and toxic relationship. I am now in a great and happy relationship and I know he’s in a relationship too. (Not that loyalty means much to him as he cheated most of it)

I have had no contact with him in well over a year. However, ex, recently started contacting me through different fake numbers and is basically harassing me by calling me names. He always uses different numbers and never says his name. Is there anything I can do besides changing my number??

We live in the same state but not county so thankfully I don’t have to worry about him showing up at my house. But the messages are just so rude and evil. It’s him pleading for me to call him and then the next one is him calling me a “hoe”. I haven’t responded to a single message and hoped he would stop.

Also: he mentioned he still stalks me on social media despite being blocked on everything but I’m sure he found a workaround since I’m public on social media. I’m sure he still has videos and photos from when we were together and i worry he’ll message my bf and tell him stuff about me or send him videos of us.

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