What makes someone a “real adult” according to you?

  1. When they act like an adult and don’t post on social media with the caption “Adulting”.

  2. A child is under 18.

    A technical adult is at least 18.

    A real adult is not dependent on others for support, and in fact, others are probably dependent on them.

  3. If I defined it by characteristics and not age, then I would know pensioners that aren’t “real adults”.

  4. My personal interpretation of the term is that it means a person who is truly independent and doesn’t rely on others for their basic needs (shelter, food, utilities, etc.). If your parents still pay your bills, in my mind that means you aren’t yet a “real adult.”

  5. It means they take care of their responsibilities, and that’s where it ends.

    If a 40 year old man gets stoked for a new Lego set because that is one of his hobbies… he’s still an adult.

    If a 35 year old women gets excited for something related to Harry Potter…. she’s still an adult.

  6. Pays their bills. Acts responsibly. Considers the consequences of their actions.

  7. Thinking being they act, taking responsibility for those actions. When you’re out drinking with your mates you want to “see the story, not be the story.”

  8. Someone who is independent, but knows when to accept another person’s help.

    Someone who can take responsibility for their actions and realise when they were in the wrong, but can also argue their case if needed, without insulting the other person.

    Someone who can recognise their failures, but learn from them, while also recognising their successes without letting that go to their head.

    Someone who is ready to help other people learn, and to praise them when they have done a good job, but inform them of their mistakes without being a bully.

    Someone who is able to understand that there are some things that simply cannot be changed, and that all we can do is learn to live with those things to the best of our ability.

    Someone who can recognise when things can be changed, and when they cannot.

    Someone who is willing to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

    Someone who does not perform charitable actions only so they can say to other people how good of a person they are.

    Someone who thinks about things before speaking or making a decision.

  9. When their responsibilities take precedent over their immediate desires and when other people depend on them, and not the other way around.

    If you forgo doing something late on a weeknight because you have obligations in the morning, you are an adult.

    If you pay your bills before spending your money on frivolities, you are an adult.*

    If others usually ask you for assistance and guidance and depend on you, you are an adult.

    If you live life with delayed gratification as a guiding principle, you are an adult.

    *This has nothing to do with whether or not you read *Harry Potter* or play video games. It’s if you prioritize those things over work, school, family, and other responsibilities (i.e., staying up late to play video games when you have work the next day).

  10. It means that they are able to deal with their own shit independently of their parents or others, or they at least have the means to do so.

    If an adult lives at home with their parents, as long as they have a full time job, can get themselves from point A to point B, and don’t actually depend on their parents to live their lives, they’d still be a “full adult”.

  11. Knowing that you could eat an entire tub of brownie bites for dinner and nobody can tell you no, but choosing to eat some real, nutritious food instead.

  12. Works to pay their own bills. If a SO helps that’s fine, but help from parents, still a child.

  13. They have their own mind about things and they stop asking people opinions on stupid shit like what makes an adult an adult 🤣✌️

    because those kinds of people think about shit before they do it and they are responsible for their own actions.

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