It’s like this in almost every social circle that I am in. The second someone else sneezes, about 3 others rush to say “bless you” and even do this right after I have sneezed. I am also careful to say it every time someone else sneezes, but have stopped doing so now due to this reason. Does this really say something about my social worth or is it just all in my head?

I constantly try to make my appearance enjoyable by making people laugh and actually succeding almost every time. I am on the other hand either very quite or very socially active. Something about my inconsequensial behaviour and these situations I find myself in seem related and very wrong. I can’t figure this out due to my social skills being the equivalent of a potato.

This is the 2nd time I post this here bcause I accidentally wrote cough instead of sneeze and people thought I was crazy. English isn’t my 1st language.

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