So, normal doggy isn’t that bad, there is a tolerable amount of pain when my partner’s penis hits the entrance to my uterus. But when my face is on the bed and my back is arched I just can’t wait until it’s over. The guy I fuck knows about it, so we usually do different positions and then when he’s about to cum we switch to that arched doggy. For sure I know it’s not a matter of his dick size because it also hurts like this with guys who have smaller ones. Is there anything I can do? Or maybe my body still needs time to get used to it? I’ve had sex a lot of times, I don’t even count, but I lost my vcard in November so maybe my body still isn’t used to that?

  1. Not sure how many times can be considered a lot on two months but you need to get to know your body. There are things that some will like and others won’t. Does it hurt if he goes in too deep? Or all the time?

  2. pain is your body telling you that something isnt right

    listen to it before you risk irreversible damage

  3. I wouldn’t force your body to do something that doesn’t feel good for you. Could also be what direction your partners penis curves, but anyone you’re with would hopefully understand that it’s not a position that works for you.

  4. If he knows it hurts and you know it hurts why are you doing it? You can do permanent damage to your insides ya know!

  5. Doggy hurts me to, in any position, so I don’t do it. Never have painful sex. If your partner needs to do sonething that causes you pain, they need to get a different partner.

  6. This position hurts me and I always blame it on my retroverted uterus. Maybe you have one, too – I think like 1 in 5 women do. I have to use an Oh!nut with my husband. Maybe you could pick one up and see if it helps. I agree with everyone here, though! Don’t continue if it hurts!

  7. > In basic doggy it hurts only when he goes in too deep, in arched doggy it hurts no matter how deep he goes

    Op that means your not aroused enough when it’s deep, which means when aroused, the cervix expands back to allow up to 9” of penis to inside you. When not aroused only up to 5”. Your cervix can expand up to 5-6” when aroused.

    Which means you need to stimulate your clit while he’s behind you.

    Also certain angles will hurt depending on which way your pelvis is tilted.

    Some women tilt back. Some are straight. Some tilt forward.

    Then add in some curve to the left or right as well.

    You need to figure out which way it leans and tilts to find out what angles for sex work for you.

    I tilt back and a bit to the left, which helped with a ex whose penis tilled a bit right.

    My current partner curves up when fully hard, which helps hitting my g-spot when on top leaning forward, on my back with legs up, or from behind holding myself up at an angle for him to penetrate.

    It truly is about knowing your anatomy.

    Also if he rails your cervix hard enough, without being fully aroused, you can throw up, pass out, black out from the pain. It’s the equivalent of a guy getting kicked in the balls.

    It can also caused permanent damage including a prolapse cervix issue in some women, which leads to surgery and possible preventing any sex in the future.

    So Op, don’t keep letting someone hit your cervix like that, tell him to STOP, let him know it’s physical pain and you’re not sexually satisfied from that angle.

  8. I had the same situation. Doggy was uncomfortable in most positions and painful for some. But after I had a baby I enjoyed doggy and was able to have more vigorous sex in that position and cum every time. I wonder if it had something to do with my pelvic floor being too tight before. I’ve been to embarrassed to ask the OBGYN so I hope you get an answer!

  9. My ob/gyn said my uterus might be tilted in the wrong direction and that’s why some positions hurt. Maybe it’s the same for you. But you shouldn’t be in pain during sex if you don’t want to. A good partner wouldn’t want you to experience that either, even if it is his favorite position. A partner’s comfort and pleasure should be more important than a sex position preference. Let him know how painful it is for you and he should be understanding. If not, you probably don’t want to be intimate with someone like that anyway.

  10. Pain is bad, don’t push through pain.

    Doggie is known for causing pain, but other positions can be painful for some people too.

    The Ohnut offers a sex toy that ensures pleasure for both the giver and the receiver, and they just came out with a vibe accessory.


    (This isn’t an ad, I’ve just become a recent fan because my new partner is well-endowed and now sometimes it hurts so I found this.)

  11. Don’t think it’s a great idea tbh. I like doggie but have never felt what you’re feeling.

  12. This sounds like an angle issue to me. I have a similar problem where regular doggy is okay, but a little painful because his dick curves up and my body is tilted down. So, arched-back doggy is totally impossible because it worsens that angle difference.

  13. That hurt is your partner hitting your cervix; try to angle your hips differently!

  14. Does it hurt like it’s sore? Or like it hurts for weeks without getting better? I always arch so much that my back muscles r sore the next day lol n it’s my fave position… but it doesn’t last for longer than a day or two!

    A good solution to avoid injury is look into variations of doggy, and maybe even buying those support sex pillows that make it easier for you to just bend down, or even arch a bit off it but with support.

  15. Sounds like he’s bumping into your cervix.

    He can avoid this by just not going too deep.
    Ask him next time and see if there’s a difference.

    This sensation is pleasurable for some, but not others.
    For me it depends on how horny and wet I am. So, maybe try more foreplay and more lube.

    If it’s a different kind of pain, like a burning, again, could be not enough lube. But where exactly is it?

    If it’s on the outside, the labia or the skin around it you could just have a rash, sensitive skin or an allergic reaction to the lube or condom?

    Try a few different things but don’t continue to do it if it hurts.

    (I edited this cos I’m a dummy 🙈)

  16. You might just have a short cervix and/or shallow vagina. The vagina can stretch 4 to 8 inches. If yours is on the shorter side, most things above 4inches might make you feel uncomfortable. There isn’t a getting use to it, your cervix might just be better matched for a smaller than average penis.

    I would go to the gynecologist to make sure nothing is inflamed and double check if it’s an anatomy issue or something from recently having sex for the first time (scar tissue or something like that- pain is your body telling you to stop and check out what’s going on)

  17. I feel you on this as it’s the same deal for me, however I think it’s a size thing for me because one partner was painful while the other wasn’t. If it’s generally uncomfortable, you should communicate with your partner that it’s not something you want to do at all because it’s not gonna be a good finish for you if it causes you pain.

  18. If you have an OBGYN then seeing them is the first step. That’s how I found out my Bladder has dropped. You could have anything going on. So that is probably who can run tests and give you accurate answers.

  19. Unless he’s a sadist, I don’t know how he could enjoy a position knowing it is causing you so much pain. I derive the most pleasure fromm sex when I know my partner is enjoying it. If she’s not enjoying it or is experiencing pain, I do something else.

  20. I had this too. I have endometriosis and when I had surgery to have it removed, the surgeon told me after the fact that I had a good amount of lesions on my cervix. After they were removed and I was completely healed (it took me a month or 2 to not be sensitive in there) I found that the pain was gone and I no longer have issues with this position.

  21. Stop arching your back? You say you can do regular doggy fine then why arch if it hurts?
    I get bad pain when I’m ovulating, so doggy hurts me and sometimes even missionary, so we do prone bone if I’m having pelvic pain but still want to have sex.

  22. Do you have pelvic floor dysfunction? I also experience this and lower back pain, cannot handle positions that go too deep.

  23. I never had pain until the last year or so…turns out I had a large ovarian cyst that ruptured and caused me to miscarry. I’m not trying to scare you…just saying, it’s important to disclose pain and these things to a doctor instead on continuing to live your life like it isn’t happening.

  24. Get checked to ensure nothing is wrong going on inside and if not don’t face down as much. If it hurts don’t do it. Pain is the body warning you about something.

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