I took a break from OLD for a while and figured it was worth signing back up. This subreddit gives great feedback for profiles so I figured I’d get mine reviewed. Give me your harshest critiques.

I know the tattoos are probably going to be a swipe left for some but I’m into them. Also I know I don’t have a great smile too, but I have some nerve damage in my face that isn’t visible or doesn’t affect how I talk, so my teeth just don’t show much when I smile.

Hinge: https://imgur.com/a/yRq5szD

Bumble bio: https://imgur.com/a/9efT9Dq (Bumble pictures are the same and prompts aren’t significantly different.)

  1. The first picture is awkward and you’re also not looking at the camera which doesn’t help.

    Looking at your profile I think you’re attractive and I’m curious to know more about you but I honestly don’t feel like I know hardly anything after reading it.

    You mention similar goals and values. But what are they? What are you passionate about? How do you spend your free time?

    Edit. This is coming from a 39/F

    Edit #2. You come across as a loner type. Maybe a little bit of a nerd? That’s the impression I get. If so you’re totally my type. Coffee?

  2. I’m covered in tattoos, lots of people are. Not the issue overall. You said it, the issue is you aren’t really smiling. Seems disingenuous. Honest question: Are you not able to actually smile or laugh with teeth? You have teeth, right? Also…all of your photos are pretty much the same, it’s you…alone…doing, nothing …same photo, different backdrop.

  3. Hello! Welcome back to OLD dating. My fav pictures are the dog one, lighthouse, and you sitting on the stairs in the suit. Could you add one with a friend or family member? I think you should get rid of the one under the bridge in the water as the way your hands are clasped makes you look under confident (or crop it to take your hands out).

    Could you make the prompts a little more funny? E.g. for the cooking one ‘Cooking. I started with burnt toast but have now progressed to a pretty mean spaghetti bolognese and looking for a co-chef for the kitchen for future adventures’.

  4. I just get no flavor of a personality from your profile. It comes across rather generic and boring. 33/F.

  5. Aside from smiling, I think you need to work on your posture and take new photos.

    Hands out of pockets – shoulders back. Your photos “feel” like you lack confidence. If that rings true I’d suggest working on it starting now, possibly with a coach.

  6. In your Hinge profile you say you’re looking for someone with similar goals and lifestyle, which like, isn’t everyone? Instead, use that space to share something specific about your goals and lifestyle so that potential matches can get a feel for compatibility.

  7. I’m 39/F and looked at your Hinge (haven’t used Bumble)

    Overall you seem like a nice enough guy, but I think we gotta squeeze a bit more of ‘you’ out, y’know? Like, I don’t know many people who would fly all the way to Australia to get a tattoo and only stay a week! That’s wild! To me, it shows you’re not afraid to do something a little silly if it really means something to you (though take that with a grain of salt, as I flew all the way to India for only a week once 🤷🏼‍♀️). You’re obviously at least a little adventurous, so I wonder how we can re-word that travel fact to show that lovely quality.

    You like cooking, but I’d love to jazz up that prompt; what could I teach you how to make? You you have a go-to specialty that really wows people? Looking for soup recipes? Show a bit of personality here.

    For your photos, I agree with other comments that I’d love to see a laugh or a goofy/different face and pose. I also wanna see something with a friend or two, which is surprising to me because I usually hate when profiles are friend-heavy! I don’t love the photo in the hat, and I’d move the dog photo to be your first pic. See if you can find some silly/fun/adventurous pics with pals, or take a girl friend out for coffee in exchange for her to take some cute pics!

    Again, overall you seem like a genuine, interesting guy…but I feel like I’d have to really dig to get any of it outta you if I swiped right. Show off a bit! You seem cool!

    (Wow sorry this is so long)

  8. I want to see your eyes! Only one picture shows your eyes (last picture). You look shy – unsure – like you are avoiding attention.

    You know how when you talk to someone and realize they are like you, you straighten up and look at them? That’s how you naturally indicate interest. Do the same thing in your photos.

    It’s okay to not smile with your mouth if you laugh with your eyes. Try practicing expressions with selfies and learn how different expressions feel on your face.

  9. Fellow tattooed dude from Melbourne here- no advice sorry, just curious where you got your ink! That’s a great story.

  10. You look nervous in all of your pics. This is very clear by looking at your body language. I suggest taking pics when you are relaxed and in a great mood.

  11. As far as recreating future photos in a similar manner to what you have I suggest the following:

    – top photo, cross arms ( see b boy stance ) show’s confidence while still maintaining playfulness. Also nice wall

    – dog photo, cuddle that doggo!

    – under pier photo, try holding hands like that but behind the back. Brings more confidence to the vibe

    Ok good luck hope ya find some one to build with 🙂

  12. Move the dog photo to the first spot.

    Not following recipes as a grown man isn’t endearing, so I’d take that line out. If you plan to take new photos, try to be conscious of your body language- take your hands out of your pockets and make eye contact with the camera those are easy ways to look more confident

  13. Switch out the first photo with perhaps a closer up of your face or with the one with you cute dog 🙂

  14. I’m 31F and have tattoos and a smile that looks like a grimace, so I’m here with you in spirit haha.

    I think your pictures are good! I find the hat one endearing and I think the first one shows some good angles even if you’re not looking at the camera. I’d work on getting others, but nothing is an instant no for me. I like the second profile, hits all my check boxes, the only thing that bothered me was you reused the word similar in both sentences on your first Hinge promt so it reads a little forced.

  15. When I see photos with no teeth showing, I assume it’s because there are no teeth

  16. I really like your profile, I’d swipe right. Biggest plus for me is the personal and warm prompt responses and the clear intention to find an LTR

  17. You seem like a cool guy! Good luck in OLD. Maybe work on your posture and pose. It could make you look even better in photos.

  18. Tats are hot! Ur looking fine. Might swipe right on you honestly. Haha

    Anyway goodluck!

  19. Get rid of the First, Fourth, and Sixth picture from that Hinge link imo, and add at least one picture with friends or family or coworkers in it. Good luck friend!

  20. I think the dog photo should be first. Nix the sentence “I just always seem to not follow recipes properly” and the clause “but should’ve stayed longer”

  21. Your tattoos are great as is the composition of the photography, but the subject of those photos is the issue. You’re coming off as lacking strength and confidence in all of your photos, which are the most desirable things in the eyes of women. A part of this is finding your “mojo,” which is the right headspace to be confident, and another part is knowing how to pose for photos.

  22. Not being able to follow a recipe is not an appealing trait/something you’d want to advertise. I agree with what others are saying about the pics.

  23. I think it looks great and really shows what you’re interested in and spend your time doing. One thing I always look for are pictures with friends- I think it says a lot about a person who they’re friends with and what they like to do with that group. Maybe add one with other people if that’s relevant to your life.

  24. You seem like a cool, loner type – but I think your profile needs a bit more personality. I’d switch either the dog photo or the “professional” one as your first photo. And I think it would help to include maybe a semi-candid photo? Or an activity photo. Something that’s not too posed/awkward to diversify the profile, indicate something that you like doing, and make you look more approachable and engaging.

  25. 1. Try taking a few pics where your pose looks more confident. Try squaring your shoulders and standing up straight.
    2. Include pictures taken with friends.
    3. Brief explanation of values.

  26. I absolutely love dogs so the pic with your dog would get my attention (and boxers are my favorite).

    You mentions you are looking for someone with similar goals & values but I can’t find yours anywhere back in the profile.

  27. Dog picture should be the first, lose the last picture (with the blue t-shirt). Your answer to the first prompt is kinda general (similar goals/lifestyle, like how/what?).

    Your smile is great, I think it’s cute, also love your tattoos, 10/10 would swipe left. Good luck!

  28. 39 and on a dating app asking women to teach him how to cook, tattoos ain’t the issue dude

  29. Personally, I like the seaside pic with the lighthouse in the back because that’s the one you look the most relaxed in. I would work on your posture for all of your photos. If you have a photographer friend with a DSLR, spend a few days throughout the year outside talking and having them take natural shots of you. Definitely include one with your dog, but less posed.

    Your answers to prompts are a bit clunky. A lot of “… but … but” and run on sentences. This that and oh the other; makes for a difficult read. Think your answers through and be a bit more direct with your language. I get that you’re probably a flexible guy, but across text this kind of language/syntax appears flimsy.

    Some fine tuning, and you should be good to go! Have fun out there.

  30. Other than smiling more, no other suggestions. That travel story sounds awesome. Australia is high on my list of places to visit. And adorable dog!

  31. I like most of your sceneries, but you often look somewhat uncomfortable. Especially the one at the beach

    The picture with your dog is the best, second best is with your hoodie at the sea, third is your first picture. For the moment I would keep those

    Maybe try to take more pictures when you take some. Taking good pictures is simply more difficult for men. Most often they are better when you are doing something. Maybe take a short video when you cook or so. I think you can upload really short clips as well, 1-3 seconds or something. If cooking isn’t a picture you want to have make pictures from other hobbies

  32. Not on OLD but I think you have this boyish charm. People commented how you should change your posture but for some reason, i think your awkward/shy posture adds some cuteness 🙂 good luck!

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