This guy im talking with said he wanted to go on dates but never really planned them, he talk with me somedays and completely ignore me other days, its been like just about 3 weeks but it’s confusing me. Not sure if its to early for ask him if he is really interested or not , because i woundt like to keep trying with someone that dont plan having something with me or giving me a chance. But also i dont want scare him away by asking it

  1. That’s very thoughtful of you.

    I’m guessing he might have a busy life at home and hasn’t fully disclosed everything, or maybe he is absent minded. I’m fairly absent minded about a lot of stuff. I might be wrong, I would phrase your question like “Hey, I know we’ve been talking the past few weeks and I’d really like to see you, would you be available on *insert dates and times to spend a few hours with me?” or something along the lines.

  2. 3 weeks and no date. Yes ask him what the fucks up?

    You’ll probably hurt his fragile ego like a bitch but he’s acting like one sooo

    Somebody who is actually interested isn’t going to jerk someone’s chain for three friggen weeks

  3. If people are really interested they usually ask right away unless they’re unsure or prefer to get to know you better

  4. You are not his 1st choice. Id say unless you enjoy that kind of disrespect, its time to move on

  5. There is no clear saying what he is thinking from just that but he might have been waiting fir you to show some initiative, especially when he has the luxury of options.

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