What do you see yourself doing? How close would you be to your current goals?

  1. I see myself continuing to work as a journalist. I would like to be working for a major news outlet, such as the New York Times or Washington Post. In 5 years I also see myself married with children.

  2. As a more seasoned teacher, married, and hopefully well on my way to starting my own family. I’m not close yet, but I’m working on it.

  3. Married, maybe a home owner, possible having a second Masters, working at a job I like with a decent work life balance, in the financial space to send my parents on a vacation all expenses paid, having my dream car, having more countries stamped in my passport.

  4. I’d likely be retired and since it’s snowy and cold this time of year, I see myself sitting on a couch drinking tea and knitting while watching something. In warmer months I see myself gardening or traveling or hiking or something.

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