Before I start the story, let “friend of 6 years” be Guy 1 and his best friend be Guy 2.

How Guy 1 and I started on the topic was that Guy 1 knows I like Guy 2 but Guy 2 has a girl (almost girlfriend but he made out with another girl). To stop me from being down, Guy 1 suggested that I go shoot my shot at guys I want to sleep with so I casually, for jokes, proposed that we both sleep together. To my surprise, Guy 1 actually agreed.

Here’s the thing, Guy 2 and I texts, not as frequent but not like the convo is dead. Basically Guy 2 replies to my stories and I text back, and we talk about other things too but it’s not like it goes on for hours and hours. Guy 2 asked me if I had ever slept with anyone before, I jokingly answered no because I’m a good girl. Guy 2 proceeds to call me a liar and said that good girl sounds kinky to him. Me being a dumbass, I only realised now that he was probably DTF if I was willing then.

My concern is, am I breaking the bro-code between them if I sleep with Guy 1 first then sleep with Guy 2 even though Guy 1 doesn’t like me THAT way and I doubt Guy 2 too?

*Extra details: I have an FWB who is currently in the USA visiting family, he is coming back in a week’s time. My FWB has slept with me so far and no other girls because I wasn’t in a way comfortable with him sleeping with other girls then me (I was a virgin when I slept with my FWB so I was scared of losing the opportunity to sleep with him if he slept with someone else). He has kept his promise since, I guess we’re exclusive but we didn’t really have that talk. He always asks me to sleep with other guys – I really am not sure if he meant what he says because when I say I wanted to sleep with a dude, he’d keep asking me if I would actually do it if the dude was down. He’s confusing in a sense that he said he doesn’t mind me sleeping with other guys as long as I come back to him. He also wants to continue this FWB thing even if either of us or both of us are in a relationship with other people. Now that I am going to sleep with Guy 1, should I let my FWB know or not? \[Guy 1 knows my FWB, he knows that I am sleeping with my FWB but thinks I shouldn’t let my FWB know that I’ll be sleeping with Guy 1. Also, my FWB doesn’t know that Guy 1 knows about the FWB arrangement.\]*

**TL;DR** \- If I sleep with a guy then sleep with his best friend after, is it breaking the bro-code even though I am sure neither of them likes me THAT way? *Should I let my FWB know that I’m going to sleep with another (because the exclusiveness of our FWB arrangement isn’t discuss, it is implied)?*

  1. Girl drama lmao read 3 sentences and I got exhausted no offense the the owner of this post lol

  2. Honestly touch grass and hang out with more people lol. You gonna ruin these guys friendship by being a homie hopper.

  3. Sounds all quite complicated but I would urge you to be open about these things and not do anything behind someones back.

    Its not certain to say wether your actions will cause a rift or any kind of conflict but it is possible. Is risking that worth a one night stand?

    I presonally would avoid getting into a situation like that but you do you

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