I’m writing this by automatic translation, sorry for any typos.

I (M21) met this girl, let’s call her Olivia (F20), through a mutual friend we have. Olivia is a very shy person, and diagnosed with social phobia. That is, she doesn’t interact with almost anyone in any environment, and it only disappears when she drinks alcohol.

There was a party this mutual friend and I were at, and olivia was invited. We chatted for a long time, and ended up hooking up and going to where I live. Everything was amazing, and after that we chatted for a while. All the social phobia she had went away, and I found out how amazing she was, and I felt a really good connection with her.

After that, I wanted to keep in touch with her, even though she was a difficult person to reach, it took her a long time to respond to messages, and she didn’t like to go out very much. But that improved over time, until we reached the situation we are in today. We spend several hours every day talking, either by calling or texting, we watch several movies together, etc.

We went out a few times, because our relationship started to improve during the end of the year, time when we both traveled and spent time with family, and we couldn’t go out much (we went out together about 3 times during that period).

Every time we went out it was always fun, but I never had the courage to approach her again, like at the party, afraid that it would push her away somehow. I was afraid she’d think I only approached her so we could make out again, and that kept me from trying anything.

The point is, this is killing me inside, and I don’t know how to deal with it. I was planning to tell her everything I feel the next time we see each other in person, but that shouldn’t happen in less than 1 month or 2 months, as she is away with her family.

I know this might sound a little silly, but she’s really important to me. It took us a long time to create a connection, to the point where she got up the courage to start going out with me, because of her social phobia. I’m afraid if too much time goes by, she’ll think I’m not interested or something. Should I wait for her to come back, and try to bear this feeling until then, or should I tell her right away?

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