My boyfriend of 1 year and a half broke up with me for the second time after reaching out to me after 2 years and a half from the first break up.

He broke up with me after i told him the same night that i kissed a girl and a guy kissed me and kissed him back in a birthday party while i was drunk.

I want to tell you everything here : when he came back to me ibwas with another guy and told him that i like him a lot and cannot stoo talking to him or seeing him.

He said ok but u have to chose. I told him i cannot trust u because u left me with no valid reason and i was about to go crazy those years.

So i ended uo meeting the guy i liked kissed and sexted him one time but i felt the need to tell my boyfriend the truth because i felt guity.

He said i forgive you for telling me the truth.

My boyfriend abused me emotionally ( passive aggressive, silent treatment, ultimatum, punishment, make me cry and doesn’t comfort me and go stay outside)

He said i forgive you but i need to punish you , block the guy without explanation and he sent him a text telling him i know my girlfriend has cheated on me with u 3 times and i tokd her to block u

And this time he told me to not buy a dildo as a punishment ( but have a long distance relationship so i need sex ).

I said that’s not fair and then he broke up with me and then told me to come to his place again to see what we can do to solve this and he treated me badly and made me feel i am disgusting and told me I don’t wanna be with u or have kids with u.

When i was with him he used to keep naked photos and videos of him and his girlfriend having sex and showed the to me ( i didn’t judge him , i thought it was consensual and he loves me )

We used to talk a lot about going to sex club or do a threesome ( just with a girl). So i thought he is very open minded person.

So when he broke up with me i was shocked that he didn’t understand the circumstances.

I did compromises for him like agreed on going 50 50 even though he barely helps at house.

He told me to delete some stories on Instagram and photos snd reels. And block a friend i had a relationship with him. While he can talk to his exes.

I know i cheated on him but felt guilty and told him the truth but giving him being open minded i thought he’s going to understand and appreciate my honesty and forgive me.

TL;DR: yesterday i had a final talk with him and asked to tak to a friend of him so we’ll have a third opinion: and when i told him that he used to show me the photos of him and his ex he got agry and left the call.

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