Ladies when did you realize you mad a big mistake by dumping your Ex who was truly caring and loving for you? Where in life did it hit you? Where you said I made a big mistake

  1. Honestly never, if I ended things there was a reason for it and I have never wished to go back to an ex at any point.

  2. I can honestly say I have dated some great guys, and I can only speak kindly of them. But i have never regretted a break up. When the relationship runs it’s course and it’s time to move on it’s time to move on.

  3. I’ve never experienced that. If I end a relationship, there’s at least one good reason and likely more. I have no desire to date any of my ex-boyfriends again; I’ve moved on with my life.

  4. It hit me right now girl, I think it’s too late though lol. I just have to come to terms with it.

  5. My last ex bf was very sweet and caring. Never did wrong by me tbh. But we still weren’t right for each other. Just because someone is sweet doesn’t mean they’re a good match for you. I’ve never regretted breaking up with him.

  6. I had this feeling once and then got back together with him. Only to break up again a few months later. I kinda realized the second time around that I just really didn’t want to be with him anymore and was just staying out of habit.

  7. I’ve never regretted a break up but I have been sad that i have needed to end certain relationships.

  8. I lost my grandad at the time and was devastated, ended up pushing my ex away so badly and broke up. I worked on my mental health for a bit and we’ve been back together now for 3 years 😊

  9. I’ve never regretted breaking up with someone. I’ve regretted not doing it sooner though.

  10. Never happened. Every person I’ve broken up with was for a very good reason, where what they wanted out of life and what I wanted ended up being dramatically different.

    I didn’t want to be poly. They wanted to be poly.

    I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life hearing slurs for disabled people. They didn’t want to have to start policing their language.

    Interestingly, I did get a “regret letter” from the first about six months after my final goodbye, but I ended up not replying since I knew them well enough to know that they were dealing with a “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” mentality.

  11. This has never happened to me. I’ve never been in an official relationship I wasn’t very excited to leave 😂. And i don’t regret leaving any of them 4-10 years later either.

  12. I regretted ending things with my ex. I was constantly going back and forth between whether or not his downsides were worth the undeniable best friendship and partnership we had. He also made promises to do better. We had a rocky 9 months of kind of dating unofficially in which any changes he made when we initially broke up went down the drain and anytime I brought it up, his attitude toward changing was like “yea yea…” One day it led to an argument because I wanted to hear his thoughts on whether or not I was wasting my time, and his icky, mean behavior that had started to come out during arguments toward the end of our official relationship came out and I was reminded that this man is incapable of true change if it’s not what he wants and he just makes me feel bad when I want to talk about anything seriously. So I ended it and I’m very sad but in no way do I regret it. Just to be clear, he was truly caring and loving. I don’t know if I’ll ever be loved so deeply and unconditionally ever again and that made this hard to give up, but love is not enough.

  13. I didn’t feel like it was a mistake, I just felt horrible about dumping him. He was a great and loving guy but I just didn’t feel right with a man, I felt like I was stringing him along by staying with him when I wasn’t happy.

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