If I have your attention I’m not in anyway trying to be disrespectful of her sexuality, I’m just kinda stuck. I am a male and me and my lesbian friend are both 18. We’ve been friends for about 3 years and I’d say trust each other quite well. We hang out go on putting with other friends and overall have a good time around each other. As of lately we’ve started talking to each other a lot, like daily and call if we can. We play games crack jokes and just chill out. She’s a great friend through and through. As of talking to her so much I have developed deep feelings for her. I’ve tried to brush it off because i know she’s lesbian but every time I have tried the feelings come back harder than before. I’ve become obsessed with her. Here’s a few snipits of the nights where I was deeply in love:

“It rips me apart every night knowing she’s a lesbian because it would mean I would never get the chance with her. I talk to her everyday wether it’s at school or at home on call playing whatever game I always enjoy my time being with her.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever tell her I had fantasies about asking her out with both options of her saying yes being plausible, and what makes it worse if I do ask and she says no it’s the end of our friendship because it would just be weird between us. “

“I love her dearly and wouldn’t want to offend her in any way, but i am truly blinded by her beauty.I cannot help it I hold her near and dear to my heart. I wish I just had one chance that I would make a good boyfriend if she’d let me have the chance”

She’s truly amazing in every way I recall one night where she had said something along the lines of “I wish dating was easier it seems that everyone I like doesn’t like me back” in my mind I was screaming if only she knew. There has been lots of instances where I’m trying to decide if she likes me or not based on her actions and maybe she does but I can’t be sure. Anyway I don’t know what to do anymore but I had to say that I love her somewhere. I guess I am asking for help what to do from here, I want to ask her out but not offend her or her not wanting to be friends no more. Please offer advice in anyway you can 🙏

  1. Best advice? Keep your feelings to yourself. She most likely doesn’t share the same feelings, especially if she’s a lesbian. Don’t ruin your friendship. If she ever opens up to you about being interested in guys in the future, maybe you can try to express your feelings. But until then, you’re kind of out of luck. Sorry man.

  2. You sound like you have limited options so you’re looking for love in front with someone who won’t love you back.

  3. Imagine you have a male best friend who happens to be gay. You talk to each other a lot, like daily and call if you can. You play games, crack jokes, and just chill out. Sounds awesome, right?

    One day, you’re complaining about wishing dating was easier because it seems that everyone you like doesn’t like you back. Then your male friend professes his love for you. Are you going to love him back? The power of his love is enough to turn you into loving men? No? That ick feeling you’re feeling now? That’s what your lesbian friend will feel. *Respect her sexuality*.

  4. You’re just gonna have to move on man. There’s a chance she *might* end up being bisexual but really you’re young and there’s no point in wasting your time waiting for something that might never happen.

  5. Don’t tell her. She’s open to you because she feels safe with you. You know she’s lesbian, and she expects her sexuality to be respected. Unless she says outright that she will try dating guys, I really don’t think the minimal chance of having a shot is worth potentially sacrificing your great friendship with her right now.

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