I’m single. I have no kids. I live alone and have a cushy job. What’s a good use of free time? I want to be doing stuff that makes me more interesting and makes me feel good about myself.

Hobbies you wish you had? New ways to meet friends? Self-improvement?


To be clear, I’m looking for ideas if you got ’em!

  1. What do you enjoy and care about? Environment (join group to clean up parks or beach), animals (volunteer to walk and socialize dogs at local shelter), education (take some classes, kids (volunteer to read at local school or visit children’s hospital), exercise (join a running group or a boot camp), cuisine (take a cooking class), etc. I think as long as you’re doing what you love, you’re interesting.

  2. There are many different ways you can use your free time to make yourself more interesting and feel good about yourself. Some suggestions could include:

    Taking up a new hobby or activity that you’ve always been interested in, such as painting, drawing, photography, cooking, or playing a musical instrument.

    Volunteering or getting involved in your community. This is a great way to meet new people and make a positive impact on your community.

    Pursuing a personal project or goal, such as writing a book, creating a blog or website, or starting your own business.

    Engaging in self-improvement activities, such as learning a new skill, taking a class or workshop, or reading books on personal development.

    Getting out and exploring your city or town, trying new restaurants and cafes, or going on day trips to nearby attractions.

    Connecting with friends and family, either through in-person gatherings or through virtual means such as video chat.

    Ultimately, the key is to do things that are meaningful and fulfilling to you, and that help you feel good about yourself and your life.

  3. You could volunteer somewhere. The different opportunities will really depend on what is around you.

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