He’s told me that he’s told everyone how great I am and it’s real sweet but I’m just like is that too fast?

We’re bf/gf for about a week and dated for 3 weeks before…

  1. It depends how long y’all have been dating. If you are past the exclusivity phase and officially boyfriend and girlfriend of a few months it would make sense he is talking about you with his support system.

    However, it could be possible he is love bombing or is anxiously attached. Difficult to understand without more context

  2. If that scares you then you’re probably not ready for the level of commitment he’s ready for. Him telling the important people in his life about you is a sign he’s very interested in you, I consider it a good thing if you’re looking for a long term relationship.

  3. He’s probably just mentioning how things are going, to a couple of people while catching up. It doesn’t seem like something to be worried about.

  4. I don’t tell anyone who I am dating. The last girl I dated for two years and my family didn’t even know. It’s nobody’s business. I like to keep my personal life exactly that. Personal.

  5. You must be confused. Talking about your latest date is a female thing. Women do it all the time, but I’ve never seen men do that. A gentleman never tells.

  6. Dating someone new is generally an exciting thing, especially if you’re feeling really good about it so far. I think it’s pretty normal and natural to be talking about it when catching up with folks.

    I can’t speak for what is or isn’t “too fast”, because that’s a personal question and depends on all kinds of things about you and how you approach relationships like this.

    For me, I can’t imagine *not* talking about someone I’ve been seeing for the last month, because it’s almost certainly the most interesting thing going on for most people in an otherwise-settled adult life of job, friends, hobbies, etc.

  7. It’s not too fast, he’s just talking to people. Obviously the guy is proud of starting a relationship with you. He’s being maybe a little too enthusiastic but that’s no crime. If this is the only issue you have with the guy, stop overthinking it. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.

  8. You guys have known each other for 4 weeks and he’s telling everyone how great you are?

    Sounds like he’s very emotionally immature.

  9. “How was your weekend?”

    “It was great! I went out with RxBabe. I think it’s really something.”

  10. You’ve just made me realize that the only time I’ve ever brought someone up to my friends, and especially my family, is if I actually really like them.

  11. Sounds like he really likes you! You go girl! congrats, you found a guy who is actually into you. Don’t ruin that.

    So many girls end up with guys who don’t give a shit about them. Don’t be one of those.

  12. You’re BF/GF now, so he’s every right to tell his people about you. Why is that an issue to you? I’d be worried if I was him if I knew that.

    I think the issue is the 3 weeks to that point of commitment. That’s pretty fast and you may be feeling a bit of whiplash. But hey, you agreed to it so to my mind you can’t really say too much. You can try and slow things down a bit by having a careful conversation with him, but you need to be careful that he doesn’t feel you are withdrawing your commitment unless you are ready or wanting to break up.

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