My best friend is getting married abroad this summer. Myself and my girlfriend are going to stay for another week after, in a different place to the wedding. We’ve been together 6 years and this feels like the right time to propose. However I definitely don’t want this to take the shine off my friends wedding at all so I’m looking for advice. Is it okay to do it the week after? Or with the holiday still being associated to his wedding is this not okay? What’s your thoughts?


  1. You can propose when you like!

    However, I would avoid doing it at someone’s actual wedding!

  2. You’ve been nice enough to attend a wedding that requires you to travel. You can do what you like.

  3. I don’t see any problem. Diverting attention on the actual wedding day by proposing would be intrusive, but you’re talking about a completely separate event.

    I don’t think it would remove any “shine” from the wedding. The wedding is over by that point and most will have gone home. If anything it will be quite charming and sweet to know it inspired two others to get hitched.

  4. It might possibly seem a bit insincere and you are just caught up in the “wedding fever”. Do it tomorrow in Sainsbury’s (or wherever) and it’ll be totally unexpected.

  5. If you love her and think it may take the shine off the friend’s wedding, just delay it a little. If it’s meant to be, it can wait a little longer.

    If you really want to do it, just do it in private with her and put off announcing it publicly.

    Either way, your friends don’t own time. It’s not like you’re announcing it during their vows. It just depends how considerate you wish to be.

  6. It’s fine, there’s a lot tied up with a wedding in the run up and during the day but once it’s done it’s done.

  7. I wouldn’t, the bride will despise you forever for taking focus from her on her princess day, even though you plan to do it after, it will forever be linked in her mind as her wedding. I’ve seen this happen so many times. She will make sure you never see your pal again. Do it at a time and place that is special to you not just because you’ve gone on holiday.

  8. I think people are misunderstanding your question.

    People are thinking you are going to be at the same place and all the other guests are there.

    But you are going to another place, just not coming home first.

    It is totally separate and OK.

  9. People get weird around weddings. I wouldn’t personally I’d wait and plan something for just the 2 of you. They may resent that everytime someone mentions the holiday and their wedding, your proposal gets brought up

  10. I wouldn’t. It’s too close to a wedding and may come across as ‘wedding fever’.

  11. So long you don’t distract from another couple’s wedding, it doesn’t matter what you do.

    You have next decades of life together. The proposal would be insignificant in years to come if you have a good life together. Don’t fall for the tv type shows that go all gushy on marriage proposals and weddings.

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