It makes me super uncomfortable to drive with a stranger I want to get to know to in car. I’m focused 100% on the road and not her. Most of my dates actually went better when I didn’t pick her up on first date. When I’m uncomfortable, she is too.

Sure, once I already know her for a bit I’m much more comfortable pick her up.

Usually, when I get past this and tell this to a girl, most of the time she will be quite ok with it. I just don’t know how they’ll react before even meeting me.

For first date, I offer a place which is close to where they live. This way it shouldn’t be too difficult for them to come.
However, I still get rejections when I rather not pick her up on first date.

  1. 😂 what the

    I’ve never had a woman ask or expect me to pick them up.

    Everyone has cars and access to transit or ride sharing.

  2. You don’t shoot the shit with co-workers or extended family?

    It’s simple enough to banter.

  3. I’d never even consider driving together for a first date, If there’s no chemistry or she shows any of my red flags I typically walk out… couldn’t imagine having to drive them home lol

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