Basically guys just saying whatever about women behind closed doors, usually sexual.

  1. Regardless of their relationship status, men who participate in that are miserable sexist objectifying shit weasels who don’t deserve to have relationships with women because they don’t actually respect them as people.

  2. i think it’s normal to talk about sex or explicit topics with friends, privately. I talk to my girl friends about sex fairly regularly. Where, who and how it is said is equally important as what is said. I know we have said some pretty vulgar things about men and it would be hypocritical if i didn’t think men did the same. but a certain level of respect is always expected none the less

  3. Its misogynistic. The stuff I heard men discuss in their “locker room talk” is so degrading to women.

  4. Really not into the idea of men comparing women like sexual conquest playing cards in a locker room capacity. I’d like to think the man I have an intimate relationship with has matured past this high school level of thinking and interacting with his male counterparts.

  5. It’s a lot of insecure men lying or exaggerating about their sexual experiences to show off for other men, who are also lying and exaggerating. It hurts men, who get warped ideas about sex and masculinity. Obviously, it hurts women because it treats them as conquests and sex as a score for social status.

  6. I think the dehumanisation and rapey stuff associated with men talking about women is a turn off.

  7. If they aren’t comfortable walking into the women’s locker room, any place where women congregate, to their female family members and repeating what they say with only men around them they shouldn’t say it or encourage it.

  8. I think is something that should die already, or atleast left behind with the teenage years.

  9. I think there are two different type of “locker room talk” we could be discussing here. There is talk that is misogynistic, like “grab her by the pussy” type stuff. Men who participate in that are assholes.

    But then there is talk about what type of woman you find attractive, such as “are you a breast man or an ass man” or “if you could have sex with any celebrity,” which I don’t blame men for not doing around women, but I don’t have a problem with per se.

  10. It’s unacceptable to objectify women—even in private. It’s one thing to say “she’s cute” or “I find her attractive”. But it’s not right to assign numerical values to women (i.e. 1-10). It’s not right to talk about women in a degrading way like “damn have you see her ass? I’d love to fuck her”. Its not right to compare women to other women like “if I could choose between Stacy and Becky,
    I’d choose Becky because she has bigger tits”. It’s not right to talk about women like they are mere objects that exist on this planet for men’s pleasure.

  11. It’s interesting because I play a sport and when I think back to what our locker room talk is it’s never saying explicit, gross stuff about men or women. Sure we may talk about relationships and our sex lives sometimes but nothing too wild.

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