For me it’s putting toothpaste on a spot to dry it out, it’s not exactly glam but it does the trick! What are yours?

  1. Vicks on the feet with socks when you got a cold/cough. Thought it was bullshit but works

  2. Gargling with ice cold salt water when you have a sore throat, always makes it better!

  3. Bad hiccups pissing you off? No problem, just take a deep breath, hold it and swallow six times. Hey presto and those pesky hiccups are gone! Works for me and others that tried it.

  4. Docken leaves for nettle stings.

    Greeting magpies (alone or in odd numbers).

    Don’t write names in red; don’t stick chopsticks into rice (not Scottish).

  5. Not mine, but a colleague swears by curing hiccups with eating yoghurt.

    Just one or two spoonfuls, and the hiccups are gone. I was very sceptical, but I’ve seen her and another colleague that tried it do just that: a spoon or two of yoghurt and their hiccups were gone.

  6. Don’t put shoes on the table. That would be gross.

    I recently cleared a cold by cooking up some apple, ginger, clove and cinnamon tea. Spicy as hell and cleared my sinuses right up

  7. Heartburn means a child will be born with hair. I was like, “Bullshit” until I had the worst heartburn having my daughter and she was born with a FULL HEAD OF THICK, BLACK HAIR

  8. Always make sure I pop a hole in the bottom of the shells after having boiled eggs. Otherwise witches take them and use them as boats to sink ships.

  9. “Stir with a knife, stir up strife.” I just cannot stir something with a knife.

  10. I don’t stand by any. My mam and dad seemed to think anything could be fixed with a hot bath.

    Didn’t work out too well for me when I broke my arm, racing my friends on rollerblades trying to recreate the Ice Warriors TV show. After an hour in the bath, with my forearm turning black and doubling in size they finally took me to the hospital.

  11. Painful trapped wind?

    Peppermint cordial made up with boiling water, drop two dissolvable paracetamol into the cup (only do this if you are able to take paracetamol; always follow the dosage instructions from your doctor/pharmacist/package). Drink it as hot as possible without burning yourself.

    We call it a Witches Brew, and it does look spooky with the fizzy steam rising off it. And it works.

  12. If you are unwell and have coughing fits at night, cut an onion in half and place it on your bedside table; it will help you with the itchy throat and you’ll have a good night’s sleep. You can also place the other half in a pan with water, boil it and inhale the vapours, again to soothe an itchy throat.

  13. Wanking makes you go blind. Been wanking for over 30 years (no, not literally!!) and my eyesight isn’t what it once was, so, you know. Wanking!

  14. Chicken soup for anything that ails you. Real chicken soup from a whole chicken boiled up in a pan with your dill and stock veg.

    Everyone I know took weeks to get over the cold going about this winter. Took me 3 days, smashed a whole pan of proper chicken soup over that time, sorted me no end.

    Same with covid. Done with in less than a week

    It’s like immune system fuel

  15. My mum told us these ones when we were little:

    “Rain before 7, fine by 11”. I call bullshit on this, it’s the UK, it always rains.

    “Red sky at night, shepherds delight. Red sky at morning, shepherds warning.” – this one is definitely true and I still say regularly.

    I’m sure more will come back to me, she loved telling them to us.

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