How do you lose the fear of losing someone? Especially like an ex-partner

  1. If they leave, or have already left, that chapter of your life is over. Be very aware of that

  2. You just find other things to be happy about and realize that better things are coming your way

  3. Ex-partner was my wife and I’m living my best life not having to deal with the constant self-made crisis she put herself in. So instead of a fear of not having her it’s a massive relief.

  4. It happened, and I managed to survive it.

    You just put one foot in front of the other to carry on, keep busy with friends, family, and hobbies, and if you start feeling overwhelmed by it all, therapy really helped.

  5. I know that I will be fine on my own because I have my own life outside of my current partner and I prioritize cultivating and maintaining that. It would be difficult of course, but I would get over it.

  6. >Especially like an ex-partner

    Yeah, if they’re an ex, I’m not really caring about “losing” them.

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