If you want to have children, how would you react if a partner you were dating told you that they had been electively sterilized but had banked their sperm/eggs just in case they wanted children in the future?

  1. Fuck yes, I could get rid of my IUD and we could just fuck without a worry and have him always come inside

  2. I think that’s a good thing. Foresight, because anything can happen. Caution, because no unplanned babies.

  3. I would assume they don’t want them as much as I do/it’s not as important. And that to use that it would cost too much when we could’ve just done it naturally which at least that part is free…. Lol

  4. I’m a cis lesbian, which colors my thoughts here.

    If they banked eggs? I’d want to talk to them about how important it would be that any child we had had *their* DNA, because it’s got to be one or the other, and since I currently have a fully-functional reproductive system, IUI is way cheaper than IVF.

    If they banked sperm? That’s a very typical part of transition even without deliberate sterilization (HRT for trans women can often result in sterility), so I’d not be surprised at all.

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