How do I find Asian girls. Girls here in North America don’t like Asian guys so how do I find Asian girls since I most likely won’t be able to date outside them since I’m not white or black. Are there like apps or meeting areas or something?

  1. What is with Asian girls that you like? Lol, I’m Asian and I live in North America. I’m just curious

  2. I think I read a paper from UCI recently finding that compared with female from other background Asian ones are most likely to date people from other background (non Asian ones)
    Which is not surprising at all to me as it always gives me feeling from dating apps, irl experiences, etc. that most of the time Asian male are at the bottom of the dating spectrum. They are not favoured by most non Asian populations and even their Asian female counterparts won’t put them as first choice.

  3. Hey now… that’s not true! I like Asian guys… My love doesn’t discriminate😆

  4. There’s a lot of internalized racism among Asians but I find it less so in areas with more Asians. Cities like San Francisco, Seattle, Houston, and LA would be your best bet.

  5. My Asian brother, you got a self defeatist mindset. We need to shake that off first.

    Try bars, clubs and raves in cities. There are also meet up groups and intramural sports groups in most major cities if you search online. Try the gym by a predominately Asian neighborhood. If you are religious, try your local Asian church there are always tons of aunties trying to set somebody up. If you are in college, there are a lot of Asian centered clubs (easiest one).

    Best of luck! I believe in you

  6. Asian men are having their moment right now in North America thanks to Bts, kdrama. Maybe work on yourself and have a better attitude.

  7. I am an Asian male and was dating an African American girl. When we were in the middle of smashing, she said I looked like Bruce Lee. I didn’t know what to think. I’ve never been fetishized before.

    To help your problem: it’s not about finding an Asian girl for you. I think it’s your attitude problem. Based on your post and replies, you seem very negative. Change that first before you can actually find ANYBODY. I mean this as little offensive as possible but try to be likable and build relationships before you find somebody.

  8. It sounds like you need to work on your game a bit more.

    Get fit. Get some nice clothes. Learn the art of talking to ladies. Have some hobbies. Have either a high paying job or be studying for one.

    If you just wanna hookup, you’re gonna have to make yourself look sexy. Fitness and talking are key.

    If you want a serious gf, everything else comes into play.

    You’re more than capable of pulling any woman you want. You gotta work and put yourself on that level first though.

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