Note : it’s completely casual. I tried it before and I’m no longer interested.
I don’t want it to become awkward or rude since we’re going to keep bumping into each other

  1. ‘Hey – my circumstances have changed so I’m not really looking for this at the moment/any more. It would be nice if we could still be friends though’

  2. You can’t. The vast majority of men are not interested in going from relationship to friend status. There is nothing you can do but break it off and let them go.

  3. If he wants to fuck and your still talking to him in his head there’s still a chance, either stop talking to him or ..welp that’s the only option . If you don’t he’ll keep trying different ways to get some.

  4. You think that ghosting is ***less*** rude than just saying you don’t want to hook up anymore?

  5. Next time he reaches out for sex tell him you had fun but you’re just not feeling this relationship anymore

    If he doesn’t reach out then just leave it

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