What’s something you don’t need but really want?

  1. A cordless vacuum so I can move from room to room without having to unplug and replug the cord

  2. The absolutely amazing sex I had with my Ex…. I know I know, it’s crazy but my God he’s a physically blessed Man who made me turn into an absolute maniac in bed 😆…

    And I can have him anytime I want as well, but I know myself and I don’t want the other half of him back. We still feel way too much for each other after 3.5 years….

    Wow, I can’t believe I said that lol…

    😛 😝 😜

  3. A pet cat. I don’t need one and currently can’t afford one but if I could properly take the time and money needed to provide for a pet then oh yes that’s what I would want. I had a cat who passed away last year and I miss having a fur buddy.

  4. $82 shampoo & conditioner. Like this shit is amazing but my ‘mom brain’ can’t justify it in the budget 😑🤣

  5. I wanna have sex with my ex again 🙂 he cheated on me but he was the absolute BEST I’ve ever had by far, and I don’t have the emotional ability to sleep around or have one night stands so I haven’t slept with anyone since we broke up, and I’m dying y’all

  6. Maybe a tattoo or two…maybe a three (for now!). I would also like to get a laser treatment for my face to smooth out my pores. I have a tendency to pick my face, so I hope it would help!

  7. I want a hysterectomy! I “technically” don’t need one but I have a lot of pain with my period and don’t want kids. So I don’t need it nor do I want it??? On a more practical scale I’d love a nice classy capsule wardrobe, and those super aesthetic kitchen storage containers that make your cupboards look *chefs kiss*

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