Me(21f), and my bf(22m) have been together for 5 years. This past 6 months he has been really weird with his phone, and not posting me on his public medias, except Snapchat. I don’t have any social medias except this, tiktok, and Snapchat, which I literally only have close friends on, so I don’t post him. I don’t know why, but I got a feeling I should make a fake account, and add him on snap. I was going to test his loyalty, and see if he’d cheat with her. He added it back within minutes while I was sitting next to him. I got scared, and never snapped him. Anyways about an hour ago I went back on the account to delete it, and noticed he posted a story that I couldn’t see on my main. I viewed it and it was one of those anonymous confession apps. He was telling girls he didn’t have a type, and for everyone to hit him up. Someone even asked if he was into someone specific, and he said “that’s for me to know, and for them to hopefully figure out.” He must’ve been posting me on a private story only I could see, and removed me from his main. I am absolutely sick to my stomach, and incredibly embarrassed. I feel so betrayed, and disgusted. It’s even worse that I’ve been hanging out with his friends and him, and they just let it happen. I don’t know how I didn’t realize sooner. I have no idea how to confront him.

TLDR; I found out my boyfriend of 5 years has been hiding me, and telling others he is single for the past 6 months

  1. He’s made his decision. You’re 21, it’s all in front of you. Trust me. Go do what’s best for you. Don’t waste another second on it.

  2. Ok first things first; you’ve been together for 5 years, but you literally got together as children. Sounds like you e both outgrown the relationship.

    If after 5 years he doesn’t have the maturity to tell you he isnt feeling it any more and wants out, he doesnt deserve a relationship. It sounds like he’s reached the age when a lot of young peolle aabt to play the field and try new things. He wants to fuck lots of girls and be carefree – but doesn’t have the guts to tell you this.

    Forget the past and end your relationship. Think of the future – you’re 21 with your whole life ahead of you and so many interesting people to meet! You’ll find someone who isnt a cheat and actually wants to be with you.

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