Hi Reddit! Using a throwaway because my fiance uses Reddit for date ideas and whatnot.

I met my fiance (I’ll call him Mike) in college, and we instantly clicked. I know it sounds a little ridiculous, but he really was/maybe still is? the man of my dreams– our sense of humor is similar, we have a lot of common interests (this one is important), and our families/friends all see us as one big family. We’ve already started planning the wedding, and this is honestly why I can’t “just dump him”.

I recently introduced Mike to Breath of the Wild. I’ve been a Zelda fan since I was old enough to work a console, so the franchise is really important to me and I wanted to show him something I like so that we can share it together. The problem is that he’s taken some weird obsession with the Bokoblins (which are basically little pig monsters) and he’s started imitating them as a hobby.

He walks around our apartment with his arms in this weird combat stance (think that one meme with the really buff dog), growling and snorting in a strangely game-accurate way. Sometimes, he’ll turn to me and say “I’m shifting into Bokoblin Mode” and then assume the stance and run out of the room. He waits under the covers of our bed making those horrid noises, and he even does it in public at the grocery store. It’s gotten us more than a few strange looks from cashiers, and I’m mortified every time I hear it.

This is honestly ruining both my relationship and my favorite video game. It’s even ruining my sex life. I can’t see him without imagining those noises and that weird arms-raised stance. He’s even started workshopping a “Moblin Mode”. In all other areas, he’s the perfect fiance– kind, attentive, and very attractive. He takes me on dates, remembers all important anniversaries, and surprises me with flowers and other cute stuff on random occasions. I thought that sharing Breath of the Wild with him would be a way for us to become closer through another mutual interest, but I never imagined that it would create such a strange problem.

I’ve tried subtly talking to him about it, but he just hasn’t gotten the hint. I know it would break his heart if he knew how annoying and frankly unnerving I find his little habit, so I don’t want to make it sound like this is a dealbreaker. If I had to put up with “Bokoblin Mode” for the rest of my life, I would do it for this guy. But that’s really a last resort.

Reddit– what do I do?

  1. You’re talking about marriage and can’t say “please stop acting like a goblin in the deli aisle”? Y’all ridiculous.

  2. It sounds like you’re really struggling with your fiance’s “Bokoblin Mode” behavior and how it’s affecting your relationship. It’s understandable that you would be frustrated and uncomfortable with this behavior, especially if it’s causing problems in your sex life and causing embarrassment in public.

    First and foremost, it’s important to communicate with your fiance about your feelings and concerns. Try to have an open and honest conversation with him about how his Bokoblin Mode behavior is making you feel and how it’s impacting your relationship. It’s important to be respectful and understanding, but also to be clear about your boundaries and what you need in the relationship.

    It may also be helpful to suggest finding other ways to bond and share interests. It’s great that you both enjoy Breath of the Wild, but it’s important to have a variety of shared experiences and activities. Maybe there are other video games or hobbies that you both enjoy, or even just spending quality time together doing something simple like cooking or watching a movie.

    It’s also worth considering seeking out therapy or couples counseling to help address any underlying issues or communication challenges in the relationship. A trained professional can help facilitate a healthy and productive conversation and provide tools and strategies for improving communication and resolving conflicts.

    Ultimately, it’s up to you and your fiance to decide what works best for your relationship. But it’s important to address these issues and have open and honest communication in order to have a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

  3. LOL. Thanks for this! It made my day. No advice! If this is real I would just try to see the humour in it all.

  4. Don’t marry someone if you can’t be direct and honest with them. Just tell him that, while it may have been funny at first, it’s starting to grate on you and you’d appreciate it if he stopped doing it.

  5. STOP BEING SUBTLE. Yeesh. TALK TO HIM. Look him right I’m the eyes and tell him that you are done with this absolutely bizarre obsession.

    Tell him sex is done until he stops, no more embarrassing you in public, and, BTW, tell him you are considering breaking up with him about this and are going to tell both your families why.

    Why don’t people actually talk eo each other anymore? Why, why, why???

  6. Look, if this is a serious post, just talk to him. If you are seriously coming here to ask if you should break up over something that is actually pretty harmless, although overdoing the humor, as that is all it is, something humorous he’s found, ask yourself this: Do you want a serious, humorless partner?

  7. I never understand why people think about marriage but can’t be open about such shit! Walking on egg-shells and starting to resent your partner just because you can’t communicate! “Oh, i don’t want to hurt him.” He behaves as a Bokoblin in the grocery store, do you think he think before “oh, maybe it will hurt her if i behave like this?”

    If i read the title that it ruins your relationship, so how much worse can it get when you openly tell him how you fell about his behaviour or just show him the post?

    Sorry, if i sounded mean. But talking is so important and will often find situation that can get so uncomfortable if you don’t solve them. They don’t just go away. And so msny people don’t understand hints.

    The think i find at most worrying… let’s say he thought it was an insider between you two and you actually find it funny, endearing, whatever… But that he does it in the public… This really is something that must be fine with both otherwise it is just humilation for you.

    I wish you the best ❤️

  8. Maybe you need to be a little more direct, tell him you find it embarrassing and this particular joke is no longer funny.

    You don’t have to make it into an ultimatum-just let him know it bothers you.

  9. Stop being subtle.

    Tell him to grow the fuck up, his actions may have been fun the first time, but now he is ruining your relationship, and your enjoyment of your favourite game.

    And be prepared to hammer this home, as in next time he does it, go out without him, or if you are out, just leave and go home.

  10. This isn’t a hobby, it’s embarrassing.

    You need to tell him point blank that everytime he acts like a game character, he gets less sexy. He keeps it up, eventually you will not be attracted to him at all.

    >I know it would break his heart

    Girl, he is a 25 year old man. He will be fine. Quit babying him and maybe you won’t have problems with him acting like a baby.

  11. If he’s bugging you just use stasis on him and smack him a few times, and when it wears off he’ll go flying away

  12. >I’ve tried subtly talking to him about it, but he just hasn’t gotten the hint.

    Cut this shit out. The moment you stop being subtle and hinting at men your life will instantly be 100 times better.

  13. Stop hinting and start communicating clearly. If your partner loves you, your well being should matter to him. And it should matter to you, too. Talk to him. If you can’t talk to him you should not be getting married.

  14. Sorry, but this made me laugh out loud imagining it. There’s no reason to gently bring it up. Just straight up say he’s gone overboard and that it’s ruining your attraction to him. Communicating both the good and the bad is important.

  15. How are you getting married and you can’t even have a direct conversation with him? “Hey babe would you be able to stop doing to Bokoblin mode stuff?”

  16. You are going to need to go on a long arduous journey…to get the master sword.

    Or tell him you like the silent chill type, like Link.

  17. …. as and advent Zelda enthusiast and conspiracy theorizer….. I fucking love this… yeah tell him to stop (honestly if this is what can stop you from being with him and it ruins sex…. maybe he’s not as amazing to you as you think)…. but he literally took one of your favorite things and got a passion for it….
    Honestly I would have started him off on a 2d Zelda game (not the side games) because they focus in the lore. B.O.T.W is a masterpiece but so many creatures are given so much limelight that awkward fan bases like this was bound to happen….

    At least he’s not imitating the Goron dance from ocarina of time

  18. This is so dumb 😂 but tbh he sounds pretty fun. I personally do stupid shit to my gf all the time and vice versa and I’m so happy I’ve found someone I can be my dumb self around

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