You Just Won The Lottery What Is Something You Will Never Buy?

  1. A mansion. Honestly looks too much of a hassle to own. Then you gotta have tons of employees too. In a massive house I’d get paranoid and want security too so Fck that I’ll just get a nice small ass house. Never got the people who just want the biggest most luxury houses. Maybe that’s cause most people have more friends than me 😂

  2. A huge house. I don’t understand how people even feel comfortable living in those mega-mansions you see.

  3. A big car collection

    You know that’s why new money never gets respect is because they end of blowing it all on dumb crap
    So excited to be rich they end up spending it all

    If I was giving wealth id lay the foundations to become old money so that my family can become a prestigious and noble name.

    Cars, jewelry, fancy clothes, these things are not my goal, but LEGACY is.

    Prosperity for my descendants and my houses name.

    Get ourselves a nice little family sigil and moto “Death is Only the Beginning”

  4. Crypto, stocks from any company that I abhor, my own airplane, any property on the west coast (particularly California), more vehicles than I actually need

  5. Things that dont preserve/generate more money.

    And a new electric golf cart that can hit 40 mph.

  6. Well, it won’t happen because I don’t buy lottery tickets, but if someone bought one for me, I’d never buy:

    * a house larger than 3500 sq ft.
    * a supercar.
    * a yacht.
    * an airplane.

    What I would do:

    * retire and encourage my wife to do the same.
    * finish eliminating all of my debt and my children’s student loans.
    * sell our 100k+ mile vehicles and replace them with good cars.
    * set up a trust fund for each child that pays out when they turn 30.
    * fund my children’s/grandchildren’s college at a reputable state university.
    * sell my current house and build a modest home and storage barn on acreage.
    * buy a mountain cabin.
    * travel.

  7. Someone’s OnlyFans or on a stripper

    I’ve always said and I truly believe I’d help out my very close friends and family members. Probably pay for my little brothers university.. Buy my mother and stepfather a house and give a million or so to my best friend just because I appreciate him and everything his done for me mentally

  8. anyone’s attention, another lottery ticket, tickets to burning man coachella and the like, health insurance, most insurance really, generic toilet paper,

  9. More lottery tickets. I see this every day at my local convenience store. People will win, say $5, and use that to buy more tickets. Anyone who thinks about this and has a minimum understanding of math would realize that doing this will inevitably lead to losing all of one’s winnings.

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