I (21yr male) have been with a my girlfriend (21yr female) for almost 6 months now but im seriously thinking about breaking up with her because whenever I got to spend more than 4 days straight with her I would feel extremely exhausted to the point I had a mental break down, this is not a normal reaction, right? You should feel light and jolly near your girl right? This is a legit question because this is my first relationship and im confused and scared to do anything that will hurt her feeling because… Seeing her sad leaves me sad as well.

Another problem that im facing is that she always talked alot about his ex boyfriend, but when it was enough for me i confronted her about it, she played the victim (which she does alot, and gets mad if you point her that) because has a boyfriend I was obliged to listen to the life story of her ex… (She slowed down a little in this front).

Anyhow even though she gets me exhausted, talks about her ex various times along our (short) relationship, she is a very good example of a “textbook girlfriend” she is very caring, sweet, has a family mentality, things about the future and has shown alot of love for me(sometimes has bad temper as well) but as my first girlfriend she means alot to me, thats why im asking in this page for advice from older people since I am having a hard time deciding what to do.

Edit: later this night she texted me that her ex boyfriend invited her to diner and she accepted… Probably to try to get a reaction out of me.

TL;DR: Im thinking about ending my relationship because my girlfriend even though is super caring and sweet just sucks my life force out of me. What to do?

  1. In general, it’s probably overwhelming for you to spend 4+ days with your girlfriend because it’s your first relationship. It’s not like you’re used to that. Some people have to recharge. I think it would make sense for you to spend a bit more time doing some things for yourself. Away from her.

    I think my biggest issue is this thing she has with her ex. Is she even over him? Why does she want to have dinner with him? I’d have an issue with that.

    Overall, you have to do what makes you happy. I’m not sure if she’s difficult to deal with a lot, but you’re young and need alone time every now and then. If spending less time with her isn’t an option, you might have to think if she’s the right partner for you.

    Address that ex thing, too. Are you okay with that? She shouldn’t be trying to get reactions and playing games like that.

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