When I have an erection, it curves a full 90 degrees to point at the floor. I can’t remember it not like this, but I only started paying attention recently.
I looks into Peyronie’s disease, and it could be that, a symptom is “a ridge or row of tiny bumps” which I do noticed, but think it could just be muscle/flesh.
Anything helps, I will respond to questions and comments

  1. Please see a urologist at your earliest appointment.
    That is something that needs to be addressed immediately.

    Best wishes to you.

  2. If you are worried, go see a doctor. It is nothing to be ashamed about.
    I wouldn’t necessarily wait for months but I wouldn’t stress it if I don’t have time to call today, since you have had this for 2 years.

    Good luck, and may your peen be normal.

  3. An erection pointing downwards is not typical. I would suggest seeing a urologist. Don’t be embarrassed. Those guys have seen everything and what you have is something that they can deal with. Those guys actually want you to be healthy and get laid.

    If you are a minor living with parents, your parents have obviously fucked each other and probably have had sex with other people in the past. They will know that your erection angle is not normal and will help you with going to a doctor. They may not want to really think about their kid’s sexuality, but they will suck it up and do the right thing because your health is way more important.

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