I’ve been on two dates with this girl and we both know we like each other. We’re gonna go an a walk Tuesday and I was trying to figure out ways to hold her hand for the first time. Im thinking of just holding it out and seeing if she takes it. Any tips?

  1. People on the internet will tell you otherwise.

    But this is one of those instances where as a guy it’s better to be told no than to take no action. It’s 2023 but men very much are still expected to be the ones to initiate things like this.

  2. I think depends on what she is like! I as a girl would prefer to make that move cause I seem to be the more bubbly to take action. Just depends! I think you’ll know when it feels right and could just go for it!

  3. Try saying something like “oh we can go this way”, and entangling your fingers with hers to show her the way. Then just conveniently forget to let her hand go lmao

    You can also just do what you said, and raise your hand out for her to hold, that’s a perfectly good idea. You’re probably just overthinking this whole thing, but that’s understandable since it’s the first time you’re doing it. It’s gonna be fine though, don’t worry too much!

    One tip I can give you is that imo handholding fits better if the tallest person has the back of their hand facing forward while the smallest person’s hand faces backwards, but you can try both ways until you get used to it.

  4. on your walk i would try holding out your hand in a way that lets her know you’d like to hold hands or you can politely ask if she’s like to hold hands don’t be rude or pushy and good luck

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